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IShellView::SaveViewState (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method saves the shell's view settings so the current state can be restored during a subsequent browsing session.


HRESULT SaveViewState(void);



Return Values

Returns NOERROR if successful, or an OLE-defined error value otherwise.


The shell view obtains a view stream by calling the IShellBrowser::GetViewStateStream method and stores the current view state in that stream.

Windows Explorer calls this method to save the view state for a view.

When you implement this method, be sure to make the format of the data stored in the stream robust enough that different versions of the implementation can read it without error.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Shobjidl.h, Shobjidl.idl.
Link Library: Implementation dependent.

See Also

IShellView | Standard Shell Interfaces

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