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Uniscribe Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Uniscribe structures.

Programming element Description
GOFFSET Contains the x and y offsets of the combining glyph.
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS Describes an item, that is, a portion of a Unicode string.
SCRIPT_CACHE Contains an opaque pointer to a Uniscribe font metric cache structure.
SCRIPT_CONTROL Provides itemization control flags to the ScriptItemize function.
SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE Contains the native digit and digit substitution settings.
SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES Contains information about the current font's properties.
SCRIPT_ITEM Includes a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS structure with the string offset of the first character of the item.
SCRIPT_LOGATTR Describes attributes of logical characters that are useful when editing and formatting text.
SCRIPT_PROPERTIES Provides information about special processing for each script.
SCRIPT_STATE Initializes the Unicode algorithm state as an input parameter to ScriptItemize.
SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS Provides an opaque structure containing some or all of the character attributes, glyphs, advance widths, x- and y-positions, character-to-glyph mappings, etc. for a string.
SCRIPT_TABDEF Defines the tab positions for ScriptStringAnalyse.
SCRIPT_VISATTR Contains the visual (glyph) attribute buffer generated by ScriptShape that identifies clusters and justification points.

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