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Korean OS Design Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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For Korean OS designs, Windows CE provides a localized version of the Windows CE OS for the Korean locale, the Common project, the Gulim and Gl_ce TrueType Korean fonts, a model 106 Korean keyboard driver for the CEPC, and Korean handwriting support for Hangul and Hanja input. The Korean build also contains a Korean IME that is based on the Windows 95 IME97 IME, as well as a Korean input method (IM). The following table shows the IME for the Korean locale.

IME Description
IME97 Contains a customizable UI sample, based on the Microsoft® Windows® 95 application programming interface (API) IME.

Windows CE also provides the following IMs.

IM Description
MSIMK A sample IM with a soft keyboard that allows Hangul input and is closely tied to the IME97. The source code is located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\wceshellfe\oak\InputMethods\Korean\msimk.
HWX A handwriting recognition engine for supporting user-drawn ideographs and characters. If used, the OEM must develop a UI, or use the MboxKor as a starting point for UI development.
MboxKor A sample IM for Korean Handwriting input that works with the HWX engine. The source code is located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\Mboxkor.

OS Design Information

The following table shows operating system design information for Korean.

Concept Description
Dependencies The MSIMK soft keyboard IM requires the Software-based Input Panel Driver Catalog item.
Hardware considerations The MSIMK soft keyboard IM requires requires a touch screen.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement Korean.

Item Module Component
Korean IME mshime97 kimeui
Korean Input Method msimk None
Korean UI for Handwriting Recognition hwxkor None

Korean Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables for Korean.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_AGFA_FONT When this variable is set, Agfa AC3 Font Compression is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_FONTS_GL_CE When this variable is set, the Gulim font is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_30 When this variable is set, the Gulim & GulimChe font set (Subset 1_30) is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_40 When this variable is set, the Gulim & GulimChe font set (Subset 1_40) is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_50 When this variable is set, the Gulim & GulimChe font set (Subset 1_50) is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_60 When this variable is set, the Gulim & GulimChe font set (Subset 1_60) is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_K_IME97 When this variable is set, the Korean IME 97 is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_HWX When this variable is set, the Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_MBOXKOR When this variable is set, the Mboxkor sample UI for Korean handwriting input is included in the run-time image.
SYSGEN_MSIMK When this variable is set, the Korean Soft Keyboard Sample, a sample soft keyboard IM that allows input and is closely tied to IME 97 is included in the run-time image.
  • Korean Input Methods
    Provides a list that describes all the Korean input methods that are supported in Windows CE.
  • Korean IME
    Describes the architecture of the Korean Input Method Editor (IME0 technology, and provides reference pages for the IKoreanImeUI interface, which is used to control the user interface windows.
  • Korean Registry Settings
    Provides information about the configurable registry settings for Korean IME, the Korean Handwriting Sample IM, and the Korean Soft Keyboard IM.
  • Korean Samples
    Describes sample code that is available in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples directory.
  • Input Method Manager (IMM)
    Provides an overview of the Input Method Manager technology, the input system that is supported in Windows CE, and the Input Method Editor (IME) user interface. Shows how to use the IMM API to customize IME behavior.

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