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XML DOM Error Messages (Windows CE 5.0)

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The XML Document Object Model (DOM) generates the following error messages.

DOM Errors

Error code Error string Description
0xC00CE213L XMLOM_ACCESSDENIED Access denied.
0xC00CE214L XMLOM_ATTRMOVE Attributes must be removed before adding them to a different node.
0xC00CE215L XMLOM_BADVALUE Invalid data for a node of type %1.
0xC00CE20EL XMLOM_CREATENODE_NEEDNAME createNode requires a name for given nodeType.
0xC00CE201L XMLOM_DATATYPE_PARSE_ERROR Error parsing %1 as %2 datatype.
0xC00CE205L XMLOM_DTDT_DUP Cannot have two datatype attributes on one element.
0xC00CE200L XMLOM_DUPLICATE_ID The ID %1 is duplicated.
0xC00CE206L XMLOM_INSERTPOS_NOTFOUND Insert position node not found.
0xC00CE219L XMLOM_INVALID_ATTR The provided node is not a specified attribute on this node.
0xC00CE21CL XMLOM_INVALID_DATATYPE Datatype %1 is not supported.
0xC00CE218L XMLOM_INVALID_INDEX The offset must be 0 or a positive number that is not greater than the number of characters in the data.
0xC00CE20AL XMLOM_INVALID_INSERT_PARENT Inserting a node or its ancestor under itself is not allowed.
0xC00CE20BL XMLOM_INVALID_INSERT_POS Insert position node must be a child of the node to insert under.
0xC00CE21BL XMLOM_INVALID_MODEL Cannot mix different threading models in the document.
0xC00CE211L XMLOM_INVALID_NAMESPACENODE Namespace node is invalid.
0xC00CE21AL XMLOM_INVALID_ONDOCTYPE This operation cannot be performed on a DOCTYPE node.
0xC00CE209L XMLOM_INVALID_XMLDECL_ATTR %1 is not a valid attribute on the XML declaration. Only version, encoding, or standalone attributes are allowed.
0xC00CE208L XMLOM_INVALIDTYPE This operation cannot be performed with a node of type %1.
0xC00CE210L XMLOM_MISSING_PARAM Required parameter is missing (or null/empty).
0xC00CE202L XMLOM_NAMESPACE_CONFLICT There was a namespace conflict for the "%1" namespace.
0xC00CE217L XMLOM_NEXTNODEABORT Unable to recover node list iterator position.
0xC00CE20CL XMLOM_NO_ATTRIBUTES Attributes are not allowed on nodes of type %1.
0xC00CE207L XMLOM_NODE_NOTFOUND Node not found.
0xC00CE20DL XMLOM_NOTCHILD The parameter node is not a child of this ode.
0xC00CE204L XMLOM_OBJECT_EXPAND_NOTIMPL Unable to expand an attribute with "object" value.
0xC00CE212L XMLOM_READONLY Attempt to modify a read-only node.
0xC00CE20FL XMLOM_UNEXPECTED_NS Unexpected NameSpace parameter.
0xC00CE216L XMLOM_USERABORT Operation aborted by caller.

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