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Phone-Book Entries

Phone-book entries, stored in the registry, contain the data necessary to establish a RAS connection.

Windows CE supports a limited set of the Windows-based desktop platform functions for working with phone-book entries. You can use the RasGetEntryDialParams or RasSetEntryDialParams function to set or retrieve the connection parameters for a phone-book entry. The RasEnumEntries function retrieves an array of RASENTRYNAME structures that contain the phone-book entry names.

Windows CE also supportsw the dwCountryCode member (the country/region code portion of the phone number) of RASENTRY. The value can be read using RasGetEntryProperties and set using RasSetEntryProperties. The dwCountryID member of RASENTRY is ignored, and Windows CE does not support the RasGetCountryInfo function. To obtain the country/region code of the current location, as well as the area code and other properties, use the TAPI function lineGetTranslateCaps.

See Also

Overview of RAS

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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