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Optional. This property specifies whether the queue accepts only authenticated messages.

  • Type Indicator
  • Property Values
    This property can be set only to the following value.
    Value Description
    MQ_AUTHENTICATE_NONE The default. The queue accepts authenticated and nonauthenticated messages.


The embedded implementation of MSMQ does not support authentication.

To set the initial authentication level of a new queue, specify PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE in the MQQUEUEPROPS structure and call MQCreateQueue.

To set the authentication level of an existing queue, specify PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE in the MQQUEUEPROPS structure and call MQSetQueueProperties.

When changing the authentication level of the queue, the new setting impacts only arriving messages; it does not affect messages already in the queue.

To retrieve the authentication level of an existing queue, specify PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE in the MQQUEUEPROPS structure; then call MQGetQueueProperties and examine its returned value.


The following examples show how PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE is specified in the MQQUEUEPROPS structure for setting and retrieving the authentication level of a queue.

To set the authentication level

aPropID[i] = PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE;   // Property identifier
aVariant[i].vt = VT_UI1;              // Type indicator
aVariant[i].bVal = MQ_NONE_AUTHENTICATE;   // Authentication level of queue

To retrieve the authentication level

aPropID[i] = PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE;   // Property identifier
aVariant[i].vt = VT_UI1;              // Type indicator


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later. Versions prior to 2.12 require the MSMQ add-on pack.
Header: Mq.h.

See Also

MQCreateQueue | MQGetQueueProperties | MQSetQueueProperties | MQQUEUEPROPS

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