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ACM_Read (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function reads from an ACM device.



  • dwOpenData
    Value that specifies the value returned from a call to the ACM_Open (ACM Driver) function.This function is free to use or ignore this parameter.
  • pBuf
    Pointer to the input parameter structure ACMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS. The function is free to use or ignore this parameter.
  • len
    Value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the ACMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS structure. The function is free to use or ignore this parameter.

Return Values

The Wave API Manager never calls this function, so this routine may be empty and have an arbitrary return value. This is a required function for stream interface drivers, but the ACM_IOControl function handles all data communication. The ACM Driver Wrapper library (Acmdwrap.lib) always returns 0.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Acmdrv.h.
Link Library: Acmdwrap.lib.

See Also

ACM Driver Functions

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