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Device Management Client OS Design Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Device Management functionality in Microsoft® Windows® CE allows you to install applications and software updates without involving the user. It supports polling, download, failure recovery, logging, and status reporting.

The entire Device Management solution consists of the device management client, which runs on a Windows CE target device, and the Microsoft® Systems Management Server Device Management Feature Pack, which runs on a Microsoft Systems Management Server instance. The Windows CE-based device client periodically polls a Systems Management Server instance, on which the Systems Management Server Device Management Feature Pack is installed, for new application offerings or packages.

OS Design Information

The following table shows the operating system design information for Device Management.

Concept Description
Dependencies A Systems Management Server providing device management capabilities or any other compatible server is needed. A Systems Management Server instance must have the Systems Management Server Device Management Feature Pack installed. A proper provisioning model is also required. For additional information about software requirements, see Device Management Software Requirements.
Hardware considerations The hardware you use should provide a hard-coded target device identifier. Some form of network connection should also be available.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement Device Management.

Item Module Component
Device Management Core Engine providing communication, scheduling, and tracking capabilities dmsvc.dll None
Device Management hardware inventory provider dminfos.dll None
Device Management Script Engine providing script command support and execution capability dmscript.exe None
Device Management Control Panel utility dmpnl.cpl None
API support dmsdk.dll None

Device Management Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that control the device management services.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_DEVMGMT Includes the device management related services.

See Also

Device Management Client

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