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Automation Structures

The following table shows the Automation structures with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
ARRAYDESC This structure is contained within the TYPEDESC structure and used to describe the types of the array elements and the dimensions of the array.
BINDPTR This union holds a pointer to a FUNCDESC, VARDESC or ITypeComp interface.
CURRENCY A currency number stored as an 8-byte, two's complement integer, scaled by 10,000 to give a fixed-point number with 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right.
CUSTDATA This structure is used for retrieving custom data.
CUSTDATAITEM This structure is used for holding custom data.
DISPPARAMS This structure is used by IDispatch::Invoke to contain the arguments passed to a method or property.
ELEMDESC This structure is used for holding the type description and process transfer information for a variable, a function, or a function parameter.
EXCEPINFO This structure describes an exception that occurred during IDispatch::Invoke.
FUNCDESC This structure is used to define a function description.
IDLDESC This structure is used for holding information needed for transferring a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes.
METHODDATA This structure is used to describe a method or property.
PARAMDATA This structure is used to describe a parameter accepted by a method or property.
PARAMDESC This structure is used for holding information for transferring a structure element, parameter, or function return value between processes.
REPLSETUP This structure is used to initiate the object handler.
SAFEARRAY This structure holds a safe array and its attributes.
SAFEARRAYBOUND This structure represents the bounds of one dimension of the safe array.
TYPEATTR This structure is used to hold attributes of an ITypeInfo interface.
TYPEDESC This structure is used to describe the type of a variable, the return type of a function, or the type of a function parameter.
VARDESC This structure describes a variable, constant, or data member.
VARIANT and VARIANTARG This structure is used to describe arguments passed within DISPPARAMS, and VARIANT to specify variant data that cannot be passed by reference. The VARIANT type cannot have the VT_BYREF bit set.

See Also

Automation Reference

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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