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IPOutlookItemCollection::Item (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method retrieves an item from a folder, based on the current sort order.

HRESULT Item(int iItem,IDispatch** ppolItem);


  • iItem
    [in] The one-based index for the item to retrieve. The index is the position of the item in the current sort order.
  • ppolItem
    [out] Pointer to the retrieved item.

Return Values

S_OK indicates success. If an error occurs, the appropriate HRESULT is returned.




The following code example shows how to retrieve an item from an Items collection.

void GetAnItem (IPOutlookApp *polApp)
  IPOutlookItemCollection *pItems;
  ITask *pTask;

  // Get the fifth item in the tasks folder.
  polApp->GetDefaultFolder (olFolderTasks, &pFolder)
  pFolder->get_Items (&pItems);
  pItems->Item (5,(IDispatch **)&pTask);

  // Do something with the task here...
  // ...

  // Release objects
  pItems->Release ();
  pTask->Release ();


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Pimstore.h.
Link Library: Pimstore.lib.

See Also

IPOutlookItemCollection | IPOutlookItemCollection Properties

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