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NAT (Windows CE 5.0)

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This module configures and manages Network Address Translation (NAT) for the Remote Configuration Framework.

The following table shows the configurable settings for NAT.

Value : Type Access Index Description
Public : STRING Read-write Not applicable Specifies the list of network adapters on the public side of the gateway device.
Private : STRING Read-write Not applicable Specifies the list of network adapters on the private side of the gateway device.
EnableAddressTranslation : DWORD Read-write Not applicable If this value is set to 1, network address translation (NAT) is enabled. If this value is set to 0, network address translation is disabled.
EnableDhcpAllocator : DWORD Read-write Not applicable If this value is set to 1, DHCP allocator is enabled. If this value is set to 0, DHCP allocator is disabled.
EnableDnsProxy : DWORD Read-write Not applicable If this value is set to 1, DNS proxy is enabled. If this value is set to 0, DNS proxy is disabled.
EnableIGD : DWORD Read-write Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Internet Gateway Device (IGD) is enabled. If this value is set to 0, IGD is disabled.
DHCPLeaseTime : DWORD Read-write Not applicable Specifies the time, in seconds, for which the lease on this IP adapter is valid. This value is used by DHCP client. The valid range for this value is 1–0xFFFFFFFF.
NotConfigured : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, NAT is not configured. This value does not exist if NAT is enabled and running.
InternalExposedHost : STRING Read-write Not applicable Specifies the IP address of the internal exposed host.
DHCPStartAllocation : DWORD Read-write Not applicable Specifies that last digit of the IPv4 address. This value is used as a start value for DHCP.
DHCPStopAllocation : DWORD Read-write Not applicable Specifies that last digit of the IPv4 address. This value is used as a stop value for DHCP.
HostName : STRING Read-only IP Specifies the host name for a specific IP address that has been assigned by DHCP allocator.
MAC : STRING Read-only IP Specifies the MAC address in xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx format for a specific IP address.

See Also

Remote Configuration Framework Modules

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