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Reminder Methods (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Windows CE-based device defines several notification options that the desktop does not — flashing LED or vibration, for example. To handle this, the REMINDERPLAYSOUND property was replaced with the REMINDEROPTIONS property. You can use a combination of the reminder options constants to set reminder options. For example, to have a dialog box and an LED go off, you would set this property to (OLLED + OLDIALOG). Setting reminder options clears any options that were previously set.

The REMINDEROVERRIDEDEFAULT property is not supported. When you create an item, it is automatically created with the default reminder information. When you set individual reminder properties, they automatically override these defaults without needing to set REMINDEROVERRIDEDEFAULT.

See Also

Differences Between the Windows CE and Desktop Models | Pocket Outlook Object Model Application Development

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