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Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles (Compact 2013)


The operating system calls this function to return temporary connectivity and security profile fragments that can be used to connect to a basic service set (BSS) network for which a network profile does not exist.


DWORD WINAPI Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles(
    HANDLE hIhvExtAdapter,
    BOOL bInsecure,
    PDOT11_BSS_LIST pConnectableBssid,
    PDWORD pdwReasonCode


  • hIhvExtAdapter
    [in] The handle that is used by the IHV Extensions DLL to reference the WLAN adapter. This handle value was specified through a previous call to the Dot11ExtIhvInitAdapter IHV Handler function.
  • bInsecure
    [in] A Boolean value that specifies the security status of the discovery profiles. If set to TRUE, the IHV Extensions DLL can only return secure profiles, such as profiles that involve user authentication.
  • pIhvProfileParams
    [in] A pointer to a DOT11EXT_IHV_PROFILE_PARAMS structure. This structure defines the attributes of the basic service set (BSS) network to which the profile extensions will be applied.
  • pConnectableBssid
    [in] A pointer to a DOT11_BSS_LIST structure. This contains one or more 802.11 Beacon or Probe Response frames received from a BSS network. This list is derived from the results of the last scan operation that is performed by the WLAN adapter.
  • pdwReasonCode
    [out] A pointer to a DWORD value, which provides additional information for the return value of the Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles function. The IHV Extensions DLL must set *pdwReasonCode to an L2_REASON_CODE_xxxx value, which are defined in L2cmn.h.

Return Value

If the call succeeds, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns an error code defined in Winerror.h.


After the WLAN adapter finishes a scan operation, the operating system might call Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles to create temporary profile fragments that can be used to connect to a BSS network for which a network profile has not been created by the user.

When Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles is called, the IHV Extensions DLL must follow these guidelines:

  • If the IHV Extensions DLL can return profile fragments that can be used to connect to the BSS network, the Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles function must return ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the function must return an appropriate error code from the ERROR_xxxx values that are defined in Winerror.h.
  • The IHV Extensions DLL provides more information about the return result of the Dot11ExtIhvCreateDiscoveryProfiles function. The DLL must set *pdwReasonCode to one of the following:
    • L2_REASON_CODE_SUCCESS, if profile fragments can be returned for the list of BSS networks
    • An appropriate L2_REASON_CODE_xxxx error value, if the profile fragments cannot be returned for the list of BSS networks
    • An IHV-defined value in the range from L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_BASE to (L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_BASE+ L2_REASON_CODE_GROUP_SIZE-1), regardless of whether profile fragments are returned




See Also


Native 802.11 IHV Handler Functions
Native 802.11 IHV Extensions DLL