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GWES Overview (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Shell and User Interface functionality in Windows CE 5.0 includes the parts of the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) that are included in all display-based OS designs by default. GWES is the interface between the user, your application, and the operating system (OS).

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement GWES.

Item Module Component

User Interface Services


wmbase, gweshare, gwesmain, immthunk, msgque, gsetwinlong, foregnd, uibase, kbdui, journal, hotkey, idle, getpower, nled, msgbeep, mgbase, mgbitmap, mgblt, mgblt2, mgdc, mgdibsec, mgdraw, mgrgn, mgwinmgr, mgpalnat, mgtt, mgdrwtxt, mgpal, mgtci, mgalias, tchui, calibrui, mgdx, atom, winmgr, sbcmn, nclient, caret, clipbd, timer, accel, defwndproc, gcache, loadbmp, loadimg, syscolor, menu, cascade, column, menuscrl, drawmbar, mnoover, mnotapui, dlgmgr, dlgmnem, msgbox, msgbox28, gwectrl, btnctl, stcctl, startup, oomui, oom, startui, cmbctl, cdlctl, edctl, imgctl, lbctl, scbctl, notify, notifpub

Overlapping Menus












Tap UI Menus



Windows XP-like Sample Skin


sbcmnviewxp, nclientviewxp, gcacheviewxp, btnctlviewxp, stcctlviewxp, cmbctlviewxp, lbctlviewxp

Windows 95-like Sample Skin


sbcmnview, nclientview, gcacheview, btnctlview, stcctlview, cmbctlview, lbctlview

The following table shows the Sysgen variables for the GWES.

Sysgen variable Description


Set this variable to enable the AlphaBlend API function.


When this variable is set, the Minimal GDI Configuration is included in the OS image.

The minimal GDI configuration provides graphics device interface (GDI) support, including TrueType fonts, text drawing, and palette support. This configuration requires the Minimal Input Configuration and either the National Language Support (NLS) or the English (US) National Language Support Only catalog items.


When this variable is set, the Minimal GWES Configuration is included in the OS image.

The minimal GWES configuration provides basic windowing and message queue support. This configuration requires the device manager catalog item.


When this variable is set, the Minimal Input Configuration is included in the OS image.

The minimal input configuration provides support for keyboard input. This configuration requires the Minimal GWES Configuration and the System Password catalog items.


When this variable is set, the Minimal Window Manager Configuration is included in the OS image.

The minimal window manager configuration provides support for window management. This configuration requires the Minimal GDI Configuration and Waveform Audio catalog items.


When this variable is set, the Network User Interface Catalog item is included in the OS design.


When this variable is set, support for gradient fill is enabled.


When this variable is set, support for raster fonts is enabled. A raster font glyph is a tiny bitmap that represents a single character size. Because the bitmaps for each glyph in a raster font are designed for a specific resolution on a particular device, raster fonts are generally considered device-dependent.


When this variable is set, the Overlapping Menus Catalog item is included in the OS design.


When this variable is set, Tap UI menus are included in the OS design.


When this variable is set, a version of the MessageBox function customized by the OEM is included in the OS design.


When this variable is set, support for the Multiple Screens Catalog item is included in the OS design.


When this variable is set, support for the Controls Option B Catalog item is included in the OS design.

Controls Option B enables a set of controls with slightly different behavior than the default option, to enable Windows Mobile applications to be compatible with Windows Embedded CE-based devices.

The default option is Controls Option A. This enables standard Windows controls and other common controls necessary to develop GUI based applications on Windows Embedded CE-based devices.


When this variable is set, Printing support is included in the OS design.

When this variable is not set, Printing support is excluded from the OS design.


When this variable is set, the Windows XP-like sample skin is included in the OS design.

See Also


GWES Security

Other Resources

GWES OS Design Development