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Common Dialog Boxes Structures (Compact 2013)


The following table shows the common dialog boxes structures, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element


CHOOSECOLOR (structure)

This structure contains information the ChooseColor (function)function uses to initialize the Color common dialog box.

CHOOSEFONT (structure)

This structure contains information that ChooseFont (function) uses to initialize the Font dialog box.


This structure contains strings that identify the driver, device, and output port names for a printer.


This structure contains information about the WM_NOTIFY message sent to a hook procedure from an Explorer-style Open or Save As dialog box.


This structure contains information the operating system uses to initialize the system-defined Open or Save As dialog box.

PAGESETUPDLG (structure)

This structure contains information used by PageSetupDlg (function) to initialize the Page Setup common dialog box.

PRINTDLG (structure)

This structure contains information PrintDlg (function) uses to initialize the Print common dialog box.

See Also


Common Dialog Boxes Reference