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Wceload Tool (Visual Studio) (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Wceload tool (Wceload.exe) runs on your target device. You typically use this tool to install a .cab to a location that you select on the target device. Most .cab files are configured to enable the user to select the destination volume where the .cab file will be installed, either \Device or \Storage Card. However, you can choose to suppress the destination volume selection prompt and install the .cab file to a default location, specified in the .inf file used to create the .cab file.

Typically, you do not directly call Wceload. Instead, Wceload is called programmatically by other programs to install .cab files. For example, if you use File Explorer to view and open a .cab file, Shell automatically invokes Wceload for installation of the .cab file.

For information about creating cab files, see CAB Wizard.


wceload.exe [ /noaskdest | /askdest] [ /delete <number> | /noui | /nouninstall] <cab file location>


  • /noaskdest
    Specifies that the user is not prompted for the installation directory.

    If this parameter is used, other parameters such as the .cab file path are ignored, and the default directory specified in the [DefaultInstall] section of the .inf file is used. For more information, see Information Fileand DefaultInstall.

  • /delete <number>
    Specifies how Wceload removes the cab file after installation.


    If you do not specify /nodelete or /delete 0 when running Wceload, the .cab file is deleted even if the installation is not successful.

    Value Description


    Does not remove the .cab file after the contents are installed.


    Removes the .cab file after the contents are installed.

    This is the default value.


    Treats the .cab file as discrete blocks of data, and dynamically deletes them.

    This is useful in scenarios where the .cab file uses most of the available RAM on the device. Using this setting results in the unpacking and installation of data blocks of the .cab file in the unused RAM.

    The blocks are read and installed on the device in last to first order, the reverse of the file order in the .cab file. After unpacking and installation of each block into the device filesystem, the block is then deleted from the .cab file to free up RAM. This reverse ordering enables Wceload to truncate the .cab file on a per-block basis.

  • /noui
    Specifies that the user will not be prompted for any input during the installation. By default, prompts are answered with 'Yes'.
  • /nouninstall
    Specifies that the installed application cannot be removed. If this option is used; the unload file will not be generated.
  • cab file location
    Specifies the location of the cab file to install or remove.


By default, an unload file is generated during installation using the Wceload tool. The unload filename has the following format.

<Software Provider Name><Program Name>

This file is not generated if the nouninstall option is used.


wceload /nodelete "\Temp\MyCabFile.cab"

See Also


CAB Wizard
Cabinet (.cab) File Overview
Information File