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IDirect3DMobileDevice::GetInfo (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method retrieves information about the rendering device.


  DWORD DevInfoID,
  void* pDevInfoStruct,
  DWORD DevInfoStructSize


  • DevInfoID
    [in] Value used to identify what information will be returned in pDevInfoStruct.
  • pDevInfoStruct
    [in, out] Pointer to a structure that receives the specified device information if the call succeeds.
  • DevInfoStructSize
    [in] Size of the structure at pDevInfoStruct, in bytes.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, the return value is D3DM_OK (see D3DM Values).

If the method fails, the return value can be D3DMERR_INVALIDCALL (see D3DMERR Values).


Information returned by this method pertains to the underlying device driver. This method makes it possible for drivers to declare specific information types and corresponding structures that are not covered in the Windows Embedded CE documentation.

This method executes synchronously and can negatively impact an application's performance when it executes slowly. Do not call this method during scene rendering (between calls to IDirect3DMobileDevice::BeginScene and IDirect3DMobileDevice::EndScene).

This method is intended to be used for performance tracking and debugging during product development when using Direct3D Mobile middleware built for a debug configuration. The method can succeed, returning S_FALSE, without retrieving device data. This occurs when the using Direct3D Mobile middle ware built for a release configuration.


Header d3dm.h
Library D3dm.lib, D3dmguid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also

