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Menus and Fonts (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Font linking solves part of the rendering problems that occur with menus that result from a user interface (UI) switch. In addition, you can flag each application that supports UI switching, and have the OS check for this flag when it applies fonts.

The following sample shows how to set the registry values to control menus under these circumstances.

    lfHeight = "Ht"
    lfWeight = "Wt"
    lfCharSet  = "CS"
    lfItalic  = "It"
    lfFaceName = "Nm"
    lfHeight = "Ht"
    lfWeight = "Wt"
    lfCharSet  = "CS"
    lfItalic  = "It"
    lfFaceName = "Nm"

In This Section

  • Working with Fonts in the MUI
    Provides information about fonts and font linking for the multilingual user interface (MUI).

  • MUI Font Linking
    Describes how to include fonts in your run–time image so that the UI appears correctly for all of the supported languages.

See Also

Other Resources

Working with Fonts in the MUI