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IViewObjectEx::QueryHitRect (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method indicates whether any point in a rectangle is within a given drawing aspect of an object.


HRESULT QueryHitRect(
  DWORD dwAspect,
  LPRECT pRectBounds,
  LPRECT pRectLoc,
  LONG lCloseHint,
  DWORD* pHitResult


  • dwAspect
    [in] Requested drawing aspect.
  • pRectBounds
    [in] Object bounding rectangle in client coordinates of the containing window. This rectangle is computed and passed by the container so that the object can meaningfully interpret the hit location.
  • pRectLoc
    [in] Hit test rectangle specified in HIMETRIC units, relative to the top-left corner of the object.
  • lCloseHint
    [in] Suggested distance in HIMETRIC units that the container considers close. This value is a hint, and objects can interpret it in their own way. Objects can also use this hint to roughly infer output resolution to choose the expansiveness of hit test implementation.
  • pHitResult
    [out] Pointer to returned information about the hit expressed as the HITRESULT enumeration values.

Return Value

If the method returns S_OK, the hit information was successfully returned in pHitResult.

If E_FAIL is returned, this method is not implemented for the requested aspect. Use DVASPECT_CONTENT instead.


Containers may need to test whether an object overlaps a given drawing aspect of another object. They can determine whether the objects overlap by requesting a region or at least a bounding rectangle of the aspect in question.

However, a quicker way to do this is to call IViewObjectEx::QueryHitRect to ask the object whether a given rectangle intersects one of its drawing aspects.


Unlike IViewObjectEx::QueryHitPoint, this method does not return HITRESULT_TRANSPARENT or HITRESULT_CLOSE. It is strictly hit or miss, returning HITRESULT_OUTSIDE if no point in the rectangle is hit and HITRESULT_HIT if at least one point in the rectangle is a hit.

To determine whether the platform supports this interface, see Determining Supported COM APIs.

Ee488075.collapse(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gifNote to Implementers

An object supporting the IViewObjectEx interface is required to implement this method at least for the DVASPECT_CONTENT aspect. The object should not take any other action in response to this method other than to return the information; there should be no side effects.

If there is any ambiguity about whether a point is a hit, for example due to coordinates not converting exactly, the object should return HITRESULT_HIT whenever any point in the rectangle might be a hit on the object. That is, it is permissible to claim a hit for a point that is not actually rendered, but never correct to claim a miss for any point that is in the rendered image of the object.


Header ocidl.h, ocidl.idl
Library ole32.lib, uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later

See Also

