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When set, the this OID requests that the miniport driver set the IEEE 802.11d dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled management information base (MIB) object to the specified value.

When queried, this OID requests that the miniport driver return the value of the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled MIB object.


Support for OID_DOT11_MULTI_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY_ENABLED is mandatory if the 802.11 station supports more than one regulatory domain and the IEEE 802.11 dot11MultiDomainCapabilityImplemented MIB object is TRUE. For more information about this MIB object, see OID_DOT11_MULTI_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY_IMPLEMENTED.

The data type for this OID is a BOOLEAN value.

If the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled MIB object is TRUE, the 802.11 station can operate in multiple regulatory domains. For more information about this MIB object, see OID_DOT11_CURRENT_REG_DOMAIN.

The 802.11 station operates in multiple regulatory domains in the following way:

  • If the dot11CurrentRegDomain MIB object is set to DOT11_REG_DOMAIN_OTHER, the 802.11 station operates dynamically in multiple regulatory domains through the procedures and protocols defined by the IEEE 802.11d‑2001 standard.
  • If the dot11CurrentRegDomain MIB object is not set DOT11_REG_DOMAIN_OTHER, the 802.11 station only operates within the regulatory domain as specified by the MIB object.
    In this situation, the value of the dot11CurrentRegDomain MIB object defines the default regulatory domain of the 802.11 station. For more information about the default regulatory domain, see OID_DOT11_CURRENT_REG_DOMAIN.


The default regulatory domain can be changed only while the miniport driver is operating in the initialization (INIT) state.

If the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled MIB object is FALSE, the 802.11 station can only operate in its default regulatory domain.

The miniport driver fails a set or query of OID_DOT11_MULTI_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY_ENABLED if the following conditions are true:

  • If the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityImplemented MIB object is FALSE, the 802.11 station does not support multiple regulatory domains. In this situation, the miniport driver must return NDIS_STATUS_BAD_VERSION from its MiniportOidRequest function.
    For more information about the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityImplemented MIB object, see OID_DOT11_MULTI_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY_IMPLEMENTED.
  • If the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityImplemented MIB object is TRUE and the 802.11 station does not support a default regulatory domain, it must fail the set request if the specified value of the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled MIB object is FALSE. The miniport driver must return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA from its MiniportOidRequest function.
  • If the 802.11 has not completed an explicit scan initiated through a set of OID_DOT11_SCAN_REQUEST, the miniport driver must return NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_IN_USE from its MiniportOidRequest function.

The default value for the dot11MultiDomainCapabilityEnabled MIB object is FALSE. The miniport driver must set this MIB object to this default when one of the following occurs:




See Also


NDIS 5.x Legacy Wireless LAN OIDs
Native 802.11 MIB OIDs
NDIS 5.x Legacy Reference