Camera Driver Structures (Compact 2013)
The following table shows the structures used by camera drivers.
Structure |
Description |
Describes details about a video stream, such as image dimensions and pixel depth. |
Defines the compression of frames on an output pin. |
Describes a vertical blanking interval (VBI) stream. |
Describes a range of video streams without bob or weave settings. |
Describes a video stream including bob or weave settings. |
Used to extend the CSSTREAM_HEADER structure for video streams. |
Used to declare allocator requirements on a kernel-mode pin. |
Specifies a range for frame sizes for a given framing item. |
Used by drivers to specify a range of weighted frame sizes. |
Describes an MPEG video stream without bob or weave settings. |
Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, and blue, ranging from 0 to 255 (0x0 to 0xff). |
Provides data that characterizes a stream. |
Describes color palette and bitmask information for video images that also contain a palette. |
Describes the configuration and capabilities of a video stream. |
Describes the details of a video stream without bob or weave settings. |
Specifies details of a video stream including bob or weave settings. |
Used to query framing requirements and submit allocator creation requests on a pin in a kernel level filter. |
Variable-length structure that describes a range of data formats. |
Variable-length structure that describes a range of data formats. |
Uses a GUID to uniquely identify a set, and a set-specific ID to refer to a member within that set. |
Generic header for property data that can contain multiple entries. |
Used to specify the property and pin type within a CSPROPSETID_Pin property request. |
Used to describe the number of pins instantiated on a filter. |
Describes the property and request type of a property request. |
Defines the bounds for a 32-bit property. |
Defines the bounds for a 64-bit property. |
Used to set or get filter-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set. |
Specifies the size and type of values contained in a specific property. |
Describes the dropped frame information from the minidriver. |
Describes how a driver supports a property in a property set. |
Describes the size and type of each element in an array containing property values or ranges. |
Contains a list of legal values or ranges for a property. |
Used by kernel streaming drivers or pins to describe how they support a property set. |
Defines the valid range of values for a 32-bit property. |
Defines the valid range of values for a 64-bit property. |
Describes the type and acceptable default values of a property. |
Describes information about the video compression capabilities supported by a device. |
Describes a single CSPROPERTY_VIDEOCOMPRESSION_xxx property of a specified stream. |
Describes actual frame rate information in response to CSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_ACTUAL_FRAME_RATE property (see CSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL) requests. |
Used to set or get filter-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL property set. |
Describes available frame rates in 100-nanosecond units. |
Describes video-control modes for a stream, such as image flipping or event triggering abilities. |
Used to set or get filter-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set. |
Specifies the number of buffers the driver should create when the driver is the allocator. When the client itself is the allocator, this structure is used to pass down the number of buffers allocated by the client. |
Variable-length structure that describes a packet of data to be read from or written to a streaming driver pin. |
Specifies a time stamp that can be used to indicate stream position. |
See Also
Camera Model Device Driver (MDD) Interface
Camera Driver Reference