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Using Target Control Commands with CeLog (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You can change the zone settings during run-time using the log command in the target control window of the Windows Embedded CE shell. After the log command sets the zones, it prints them for you. Use the command without any options or zone settings to find out the current CeLog zone settings. For more information, see Target Control Debugging Commands.

The following code shows the syntax for the log command:

log [LogOptions] [HexWindowsCEZone [HexUserZone [HexProcessMask]]]


  • LogOptions -buf Size
    Determines the size of the data buffer for CeLog.

    Can only affect the buffer size if CeLog is not already loaded.

  • LogOptions -clear
    Discard the current contents of the CeLog buffer.
  • LogOptions -flush [ Filename.clg ]
    Flushes the CeLog buffer.

    If a filename is specified, the data is flushed to that file. Otherwise, the data is flushed to \Release\celog.clg.

  • LogOptions -stopflush
    Signals CeLogFlush.exe or OSCapture.exe to exit.
  • HexWindowsCEZone
    Specifies a Windows Embedded CE OS zone to log. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF.

    To specify several zones, use the bitwise OR of their hexadecimal values.

  • HexUserZone
    Specifies a user-defined zone in hexadecimal notation. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF.
  • HexProcessMask
    Specifies processes to be logged. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF.


The following table provides examples of Target Control Commands you might use to control CeLog settings.

Command example Description


Prints the current zone settings.


- or -

log 0x63

Gets data from the combined zone 0x63, which is the bitwise OR value of CELZONE_PROCESS + CELZONE_THREAD + CELZONE_RESCHEDULE + CELZONE_INTERRUPT. For specific zone values, see CeLog Zones.

log 0

Turns off all CeLog zones.

log -buf 0x00100000

Sets CeLog buffer size to 1MB without setting zones.

log -buf 1048576

Sets CeLog buffer size to 1MB without setting zones.

log -buf 1048576 0x63

Sets buffer size to 1MB and set zones.

log -flush \\release\\myfile.clg

Flushes CeLog buffer contents to myfile.clg.

log –stopflush

Causes CeLogFlush.exe or OSCapture.exe to exit.

See Also


Target Control Debugging Commands

Other Resources

Filtering CeLog Events
CeLog Zones