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IOCTL_HAL_GETREGSECUREKEYS (deprecated) (Compact 2013)


This I/O control message is called by Filesys.exe to enable the OEM to extend the list of registry paths that should be protected from nontrusted applications. Send this message with OEMIoControl.


BOOL OEMIoControl(
    LPVOID lpInBuffer,        // pointer to input buffer
    DWORD nInBufferSize,      // input buffer size
    LPVOID lpOutBuffer,       // pointer to output buffer
    DWORD nOutBufferSize,     // output buffer size
    LPDWORD lpBytesReturned   // number of bytes returned


  • dwIoControlCode
    [in] Control code for the operation. Use IOCTL_HAL_GETREGSECUREKEYS for this operation.
  • lpInBuffer
    [in] Set to NULL.
  • nInBufferSize
    [in] Set to zero.
  • lpOutBuffer
    [out] Pointer to a buffer that stores either a RegSecureKeyList structure provided by the OEM or a DWORD.
  • nOutBufferSize
    If the size specified by this parameter is equal to sizeof(DWORD), Filesys.exe is requesting the amount of memory it needs to allocate to store the data to be returned by the OEM. Set the DWORD pointed to by lpOutBuffer to the number of bytes that must be allocated by Filesys.exe to retrieve the data.

    If the DWORD pointer specified in lpOutBuffer is set to zero, no further action is taken by Filesys.exe.

  • lpBytesReturned
    [in] Pointer to DWORD that stores the number of bytes written to the lpOutBuffer.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise, returns FALSE.


This I/O control is called twice: The first call queries for the size of the buffer it needs to allocate to store the OAL data; if the OAL specifies a size greater than zero, a second call requests the actual data.

Code Example


For readability, the following code example does not contain security checking or error handling. Do not use the following code in a production environment.

    RegSecureKey OEMSecNames[] = {
        // Protect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Name and all of its values/subkeys
        { REGSEC_HKLM, 4, L"Name" },
        // Protect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OtherName and
        // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\OtherName and all of their values/subkeys
        { REGSEC_HKLM | REGSEC_HKCU, 9, L"OtherName" },
    RegSecureKeyList OEMSecList = {
        sizeof(OEMSecNames) / sizeof(RegSecureKey),
    DWORD dwName;
    // First call: return the required buffer size
    //   lpInBuf      unused, should be NULL
    //   nInBufSize   unused, should be 0
    //   lpOutBuf     pointer to a DWORD buffer size
    //   nOutBufSize  sizeof(DWORD)
    if (!lpInBuf && !nInBufSize && lpOutBuf && (nOutBufSize ==     sizeof(DWORD))) {
        DWORD dwBufSize;
        dwBufSize = sizeof(OEMSecList) + sizeof(OEMSecNames);
        // size of structs without names
        for (dwName = 0; dwName < OEMSecList.dwNumKeys; dwName++) {
            dwBufSize += OEMSecNames[dwName].wLen * sizeof(WCHAR); 
            // no nulls
        *((DWORD*)lpOutBuf) = dwBufSize;
        retval = TRUE;
    // Second call: fill the provided buffer
    // lpInBuf      unused, should be NULL
    // nInBufSize   unused, should be 0
    // lpOutBuf     pointer to the buffer to be filled
    // nOutBufSize  buffer size, should be the same as returned on first        call
    } else if (!lpInBuf && !nInBufSize && lpOutBuf
            && (nOutBufSize > sizeof(OEMSecList) + sizeof(OEMSecNames))) {
        RegSecureKeyList *pKeys = (RegSecureKeyList*)lpOutBuf;
        // pStr moves through the buffer as strings are written
        LPBYTE pStr = (LPBYTE)lpOutBuf + sizeof(OEMSecList) +           sizeof(OEMSecNames);
        pKeys->dwNumKeys = OEMSecList.dwNumKeys;
        pKeys->pList     = (RegSecureKey*) ((LPBYTE)lpOutBuf +           sizeof(OEMSecList));
        for (dwName = 0; dwName < OEMSecList.dwNumKeys; dwName++) {
            pKeys->pList[dwName].wRoots = OEMSecNames[dwName].wRoots;
            pKeys->pList[dwName].wLen   = OEMSecNames[dwName].wLen;
            pKeys->pList[dwName].pName  = (LPWSTR)pStr;
            memcpy(pStr, (LPBYTE)OEMSecNames[dwName].pName,
                OEMSecNames[dwName].wLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
            pStr += OEMSecNames[dwName].wLen * sizeof(WCHAR);
        retval = TRUE;
    } else {
        // Invalid args




See Also


Filesys.exe IOCTLs