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ObjectNotify (Windows CE 5.0)

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This device module function is called by the server when there is a change or deletion to an object in the device's object store. ObjectNotify prompts the client to see if it is interested in this change or deletion. If so, the object identifier the client needs for serialization or deserialization of the object is sent to the desktop. The ObjectNotify function call may not necessarily occur on the same thread as the actual synchronization.



  • pNotify
    [in] Pointer to an OBJNOTIFY structure.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the change or deletion should be synchronized, otherwise returns FALSE.


The ObjectNotify function is not implemented for device emulation using the Platform Builder emulator.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Ceutil.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

ActiveSync Functions | OBJNOTIFY

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