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CeSvcOpenEx (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function opens a service and retrieves a nested subkey for the supplied registry key.

HRESULT CeSvcOpenEx( HCESVC hSvcRoot,LPTSTR pszPath,BOOL fCreate,PHCESVC phSvc);


  • hSvcRoot
    [in] Handle to a registry subkey, obtained by means of a call to CeSvcOpen.
  • pszPath
    [in] Pointer to a subpath to append to the logical subkey.
  • fCreate
    [in] TRUE if the subkey should be created, and FALSE if it already exists.
  • phSvc
    [out] Pointer to the handle to the registry subkey for the service. This handle is equivalent to a HKEY value and can be used by other CEUTIL API functions, as well as Win32 registry manipulation functions.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if the operation completed successfully. Otherwise, this function returns a Microsoft Win32 error code.


When the handle retrieved by CeSvcOpenEx is no longer needed, the application should call the CeSvcClose function.

This function is part of CEUTIL, a utility DLL for dealing with desktop registry entries for Windows CE. CEUTIL functions are for use by desktop applications that need to communicate remotely with Windows CE–based devices. These functions are not available to applications running on Windows CE–based devices.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Ceutil.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

ActiveSync Functions | CeSvcOpen

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