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Setting up the Supporting Desktop Computer for the NDIS Performance Test (Windows CE 5.0)

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On the supporting desktop computer, you must install the MS_NDP protocol driver. You must also determine the bind name of the network interface for the supporting desktop computer.

To install the MS_NDP protocol driver on the supporting desktop computer

  1. Create a directory, and then copy to that directory the following files from <Platform Builder installation path>\Cepb\Wcetk\Ddtk\Desktop:

    • Perf_ndis.dll
    • Ndp.sys
    • Ndp.pdb
    • Ndp.inf
    • Snetcfg.exe
    • Msvcr71.dll
  2. To the directory that you created, copy the following files from <Platform Builder installation path>\Cepb\Wcetk\Ddtk\Desktop\Serial:

    • Tux.exe
    • Kato.dll
    • Tooltalk.dll
  3. In the directory that you created, run the following command:

    snetcfg -l .\ndp.inf -c p -i ms_ndp
  4. Run the following command to verify that the MS_NDP protocol driver is installed:

    snetcfg -v -q ms_ndp

For information about uninstalling the MS_NDP protocol driver, see Uninstalling the MS_NDP Protocol Driver From the Supporting Desktop Computer.

Note   If the network interface for the tested Windows CE–based device is a wireless network interface and behaves as an access point, the network interface for the supporting desktop computer must be a wireless network interface. Configure the wireless network interface for the supporting desktop computer to start in ad hoc network mode.

If the network interface for the tested Windows CE–based device acts as an access point, associate the network interface for the supporting desktop computer with the access point. Verify that no other wireless client connects to the access point.

To find the display name of the network interface for the supporting desktop computer

  1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.
  2. If Control Panel is set to Category View, choose Network and Internet Connections.
  3. Choose Network Connections.
  4. From the View menu, choose Details.
  5. For the network connection, note the value under Device Name.

To find the bind name of the network interface for the supporting desktop computer

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory that you created that contains the files for the NDIS Performance Test.

  2. Run the following command:

    tux -o -d perf_ndis -c "-enum"
  3. From the list of network interfaces, note the bind name of the network interface whose display name matches the device name displayed in Network Connections of Control Panel. The bind name has the format \Device\{<GUID>}.

See Also

Running the NDIS Performance Test | Uninstalling the MS_NDP Protocol Driver From the Supporting Desktop Computer

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