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IDVDNavigatorSink::ConfirmTemporaryParentalLevel (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method is called when the navigation manager receives a navigation command that changes the parental level (PTL_LVL). This method provides the application with the new PTL_LVL.

HRESULT ConfirmTemporaryParentalLevel(UINT8requestedLevel);


  • requestedLevel
    [out] New PTL_LVL.

Return Values

If your player application allows PTL_LVL to be temporarily changed, return the value S_OK. For more information, see the Remarks section below.


Because the DVD-Video API middleware relies on the results that this callback method reports, be careful when implementing this method.

A DVD-Video player application sets the system parameters (SPRM) for the country code for parental management (CTY_CD) and PTL_LVL. Normally, the DVD-Video API uses both of these values to determine whether a particular title, or program chain within a title, should be played. The DVD-Video content may contain logic authored into it to request a temporary change in the parental level in certain circumstances, such as when content matching the correct combination of country code and parental level is unavailable. Such temporary changes to the parental level allow the player application to avoid presenting the user with a blank screen.

If your player application allows the system to temporarily change the level, the application must change the value for PTL_LVL and the appropriate program chain will be presented. This is referred to as a temporary change. Your player application should change the parental level back to the user setting the next time the player application starts or the next time a new disc is inserted.

Use the IDVDNavigatorSink::ConfirmTemporaryParentalLevel method to inform the DVD-Video API middleware whether your player application will allow the middleware to change the value of PTL_LVL. If your application returns S_OK from this method, the middleware will change PTL_LVL; otherwise it will not.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvdnav.h, Dvdnav.idl.
Link Library: Ddvdids.lib.

See Also


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