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GetMediaInfoString (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method retrieves show or clip information.

Compatibility: Windows Media Player

sRetVal = MediaPlayer.GetMediaInfoString( lMediaInfoType)


  • lMediaInfoType
    [in] Long value indicating the type of show or clip information to return. See Remarks for supported types.

Return Values

Returns a String value associated with the given media information type.


The following table shows valid media information types.

Value Visual Basic constant Description
0 mpShowFilename The name of the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file containing the playlist.
1 mpShowTitle The playlist's title.
2 mpShowAuthor The playlist's author.
3 mpShowCopyright Copyright information for the playlist.
4 mpShowRating Rating information for the playlist.
5 mpShowDescription A description of the playlist.
7 mpClipFilename The name of the current clip file.
8 mpClipTitle The clip's title.
9 mpClipAuthor The clip's author.
10 mpClipCopyright Copyright information for the clip.
11 mpClipRating Rating information for the clip.
12 mpClipDescription A description of the clip.

Show information refers to an ASX file containing a playlist.

Clip information refers to one of the individual media file entries specified in the playlist.

Clip information comes either from the media file or from the ASX file referencing the media file.

This method returns clip information from the ASX file if it is available.

If the clip is accessed directly, this method returns information from the media file.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.

See Also

Windows Media Player Methods | Compatibility Modes | Retrieving Presentation Information

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