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Time Zone Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following registry key example shows the value to use while the target device is running.


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    "TimeZoneInformation": (REG_BINARY): TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION (structure)

The following registry key example shows the value to use during a cold boot.

    "@": REG_SZ

The default data value of the Time Zones subkey is the name of the standard time zone that is used as the default time zone for the system during a cold boot. This value is used if the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure is not available. The name of the time zone corresponds to one of the following additional time zone entries that are used to provide information for a specified time zone.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Time Zones\Standard time zone name]
    "Dlt": REG_SZ
    "Std": REG_SZ

Because the standard time zone name registry key corresponds to the StandardName****memberof the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure, the same rules and conditions that apply to the structure apply to this registry key.

For each time zone in the world you can create a separate entry in the registry. For details, see the Common.reg file.

The TZI registry data value corresponds to the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. The Dlt registry value is the name used for daylight saving time. Because this value corresponds to the DaylightName member of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure, the same rules and conditions that apply to the structure apply to this registry value. The Std registry value corresponds to a translated string to display the Standard Time name of the time zone.

A call to the GetTimeZoneInformation function retrieves the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. The data in the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure provides the information that the function returns. If the structure is not found, then the @ data value of the Time Zones subkey, which is the default value, is retrieved. If this value is missing, the Pacific Time Zone is used.

A call to the SetTimeZoneInformation function sets the registry data value TimeZoneInformation to the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure passed into the application programming interface (API). In addition, the NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TIME_CHANGE notification event is triggered.

When the OS boots, Filesys.exe makes a call to the GetTimeZoneInformation function to set time zone information for the OS.

See Also

Core OS Registry Settings

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