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Precedence Warnings (Windows CE 5.0)

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PREfast detects a variety of precedence errors.

The following warnings are reported in this category:

Warning number Description
PREfast Warning 235 (<non-zero constant> || <expression>) is always TRUE.
PREfast Warning 236 (<expression> || <non-zero constant>) is always TRUE.
PREfast Warning 237 (<zero> && <expression>) is always FALSE.
PREfast Warning 239 (<non-zero constant> && <expression>) always evaluates to Boolean result of <expression>.
PREfast Warning 240 (<expression> && <non-zero constant>) always evaluates to Boolean result of <expression>.
PREfast Warning 241 Value returned from the finally block overrides the value returned from its corresponding try block.
PREfast Warning 242 A jump out of this try block forces local unwind.
PREfast Warning 243 Return from a finally block halts global unwind.
PREfast Warning 244 Local declaration of <variable> hides global declaration.
PREfast Warning 245 For-init declaration of <variable> hides global declaration.
PREfast Warning 246 Local declaration of <variable> hides declaration of same name in outer scope.
PREfast Warning 247 For-init declaration of <variable> hides declaration of same name in outer scope.
PREfast Warning 248 DACL for a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure set to NULL, resulting in an unprotected object.
PREfast Warning 249 <kernel function> call without the MEM_RELEASE flag frees memory but not the address descriptors (VADs).
PREfast Warning 250 <function> call without the MEM_RELEASE flag frees memory but not the address descriptors (VADs).
PREfast Warning 251 InitializeCriticalSection indicates failure by raising an asynchronous exception.
PREfast Warning 252 Untagged pool allocation.
PREfast Warning 253 MmSecureVirtualMemory locks VADs not pages.
PREfast Warning 255 _alloca indicates failure by raising a stack overflow exception.
PREfast Warning 257 _alloca used in prohibited location.
PREfast Warning 258 Using TerminateThread does not allow proper thread clean up.
PREfast Warning 259 Labeled code is unreachable.
PREfast Warning 260 Sizeof * Sizeof is almost always wrong.
PREfast Warning 261 MustSucceed pool allocations are forbidden.
PREfast Warning 262 Function uses <constant> bytes of stack.
PREfast Warning 263 _alloca used in a loop.
PREfast Warning 281 Incorrect order of operators.
PREfast Warning 282 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 285 (<non-zero constant> || <non-zero constant>) is always TRUE.
PREfast Warning 286 (<non-zero constant> || <expression>) is always TRUE.
PREfast Warning 287 Redundant code.
PREfast Warning 288 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 289 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 290 Bitwise operation on logical result.
PREfast Warning 291 Bitwise operation on logical result.
PREfast Warning 297 Arithmetic overflow.
PREfast Warning 308 Memory leak.
PREfast Warning 310 Illegal constant in exception filter.
PREfast Warning 312 Possible infinite loop.
PREfast Warning 313 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 314 Incorrect order of operations.
PREfast Warning 315 Incorrect order of operations.
PREfast Warning 316 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 317 Incorrect operator.
PREfast Warning 318 Degenerate _try/_except.
PREfast Warning 319 Dead code.
PREfast Warning 331 Invalid parameter.
PREfast Warning 332 Invalid parameter.
PREfast Warning 333 Invalid parameter.
PREfast Warning 334 sizeof operator applied to an expression with an operator - may yield unexpected results.
PREfast Warning 99101 Internal error.

See Also

Warnings by Category

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