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NdisEqualMemory (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function compares a specified number of characters in one block of memory with the same number of characters in a second block of memory.

ULONG NdisEqualMemory(CONST VOID* Source1,CONST VOID* Source2,ULONG Length);


  • Source1
    Points to the first block of memory to be compared.
  • Source2
    Points to the second block of memory to be compared.
  • Length
    Specifies the number of bytes to be compared.

Return Values

The default return value is 0. If the compared blocks are the same, the return value is 1. 0therwise, this function returns a 0.


NdisEqualMemory compares the initial Length bytes in the first block of memory to the initial Length bytes in the second block of memory. The data type of anything in the compared memory blocks is irrelevant.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.
Link Library: Ndis.lib

See Also

NdisAllocateMemory | NdisCopyBuffer | NdisFillMemory | NdisFreeMemory | NdisMoveMemory | NdisZeroMemory

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