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Driver Catalog Items (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following tables show the device drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog.

The BSP variable column indicates the BSP_NO* variable; setting any of these variables removes support for the particular hardware peripheral. Set the variable equal to one to remove support. The BSP variable column also indicates the variable that the IDE overrides when you manually select the component from the Catalog. If you later select a driver from the Catalog, the BSP_NOAUDIO variable is overridden.

For information about setting and clearing environment variables, see Setting or Clearing an Environment Variable.

The tables also indicate the Sysgen variable that you must set to activate your device driver. You can view this information in the IDE by right-clicking on the Catalog item, choosing Properties, and then selecting the Variables tab.

You can search the Catalog by right-clicking any Catalog item and choosing Find.

The source code for these drivers is in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\%_TGTPLAT%\Drivers, %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\CSP, and %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers.

Note   To clear an environment variable, set the variable to empty. For example, to clear the BSP_NO environment variable, enter

set BSP_NO=


Audio Drivers

The following table shows the audio drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on audio drivers, see Audio Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description


Es1371.dll The Ensoniq driver using the model device driver (MDD)/platform-dependent driver (PDD) model.


Ensoniq.dll The Ensoniq driver using Unified Audio Model (UAM).


Au1ac97.dll The audio driver for the AMD DBAu1000, DBAu1100, and DBAu1500 MIPSII BSPs.
Geode/MediaGX Audio (Unified) BSP_NOAUDIO SYSGEN_AUDIO


Gxuamaud.dll The audio driver for the AMD Geode x86 microprocessor-native chip using UAM.
Emulator Waveform Audio Device BSP_NOAUDIO SYSGEN_AUDIO Wavedev.dll The audio driver for the Emulator.
HD465 Waveform Audio Device BSP_NOAUDIO SYSGEN_AUDIO Wavedev.dll The audio driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB.

Battery Drivers

The following table shows the battery drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on battery drivers, see Battery Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Battery driver BSP_NOBATTERY


SYSGEN_BATTERY Battdrvr.dll The battery driver sample.

Block Drivers

The following table shows the block device drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on block drivers, see Block Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
ATAPI PCI/IDE Storage Block Driver BSP_NOIDE SYSGEN_ATAPI Atapi.dll A sample Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) packet interface driver, which supports all IDE devices such as hard disks, CD/DVD drives, PC Card ATA disks, and so on.
Compact Flash/PC Card Storage (ATADISK) None. SYSGEN_ATADISK Atadisk.dll A sample ATADISK driver to support only PC Card ATA devices.
PCI NAND Flash Driver None. SYSGEN_MSFLASH_SDNPCID Sdnpcid.dll A storage driver to support PCI NAND Flash memory devices on the CEPC x86 SDB.
Spansion(TM) Flash Memory Driver None. SYSGEN_MSFLASH_FASLD Fasld.dll A storage driver to support Spansion(TM) Flash memory devices on the CEPC x86 SDB.
Drive Mapping None. BSP_EMULDRIVEMAP Vcefsd.dll A drive mapping module for the x86 Emulator.
SmartMedia NAND Flash Driver None. SYSGEN_MSFLASH Mspart.dll A storage driver to support SmartMedia NAND Flash devices on the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.

The following table shows storage device driver SYSGEN variables that are not exposed in the Catalog.

Module Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME
Sample block driver. None. SYSGEN_RAMDISK Ramdisk.dll
Sample file system driver (FSD). None. SYSGEN_RAWFS Rawfs.dll
Sample flash media driver (FMD). None. SYSGEN_MSFLASH_RAMFMD Ramfmd.dll
ATAPI driver component that supports ATA PCMCIA/PC Card disks. None. SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCMCIA Atapi.dll
ATAPI driver component that supports on-board PCI ATA/ATAPI host bus adapters. Hard disk only. None. SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCIO Atapi_pcio.dll
ATAPI driver component that supports on-board PCI ATA/ATAPI host bus adapters. ATA hard disk and CD/DVD only. None. SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCIO_CD Atapi_pcio_cd.dll
ATAPI driver component that supports on-board PCI ATA/ATAPI host bus adapters. ATA hard disk, CD/DVD, and peripheral PCI Promise PDC2026 host bus adapters. None. SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCIP_PDC20262 Atapi_pcip_pdc20262.dll

Device Manager

The following table shows the Device Manager. For more information on the Device Manager, see Device Manager.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Device Manager None. SYSGEN_DEVICE Device.exe The Device Manager.

Direct3D Mobile Display Drivers

The following table shows the Direct3D Mobile drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on Direct3D Mobile drivers, see Direct3D Mobile Display Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Direct3D Mobile Null Driver None. SYSGEN_D3DM


D3dm_nulldrv.dll The Direct3D Mobile null driver.
Direct3D Mobile Reference Driver None. SYSGEN_D3DMREF D3dm.dll The Direct3D Mobile reference driver.
X-Scale Direct3D Mobile None. SYSGEN_D3DMXSCALE D3DMXSc50PB.dll A Direct3D Mobile driver optimized for XScale. Must be locally hooked.

Display Drivers

The following table shows the display drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on display drivers, see Display Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
BCM91101SP LCD BSP_NODISPLAY SYSGEN_DISPLAY Ddi_s1dflat.dll The display driver for the Broadcom BCM91101 MIPSII BSP.
Emulator Display BSP_NODISPLAY SYSGEN_DISPLAY Ddi_emul.dll The display driver for the Emulator.


Ddi_ragexl.dll The display driver for the ATI Rage XL Expert 98 with Microsoft® DirectDraw® support and hardware acceleration.


Ddi_gx.dll The display driver for the National Geode/MediaGX with DirectDraw support and no rotation support.


Ddi_rgx.dll The display driver for the National Geode MediaGX display driver with rotation support and no DirectDraw support.


Ddi_mq200.dll The display driver for the MediaQ MQ200 with DirectDraw support.
Multiple-Monitor Support BSP_NODISPLAY SYSGEN_DISPLAY Multimon.dll The display driver that adds multiple-monitor support to your driver.


Ddi_nop.dll The display driver with stubbed functions.


Ddi_3dr.dll The Silicon Motion display driver for the Silicon Motion 3DR (Cougar) video card


Ddi_tvia5.dll The display driver for the TVIA CyberPro 5050 with DirectDraw support.


Ddi_flat.dll The generic display driver for any display card that is VESA BIOS 2.0-compliant.
VGA Linear (Flat) Framebuffer (Rotation Support) BSP_NODISPLAY SYSGEN_DISPLAY


Ddi_rflat.dll The generic display driver with rotation for any display card that is VESA BIOS 2.0-compliant.

HID Drivers

The following table shows the HID drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on HID drivers, see HID Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Bluetooth HID - Keyboard None. SYSGEN_BTH_HID_KEYBOARD Kbdhid.dll Bluetooth HID keyboard driver.
Bluetooth HID - Mouse None. SYSGEN_BTH_HID_MOUSE Mouhid.dll Bluetooth HID mouse driver.
USB HID Keyboard and Mouse None. SYSGEN_USB_HID_CLIENTS Kbdhid.dll


The HID class driver that supports HID keyboards and mice.
USB HID Keyboard Only None. SYSGEN_USB_HID_KEYBOARD Kbdhid.dll The HID class driver that supports HID keyboards.
USB HID Mouse Only None. SYSGEN_USB_HID_MOUSE Mouhid.dll The HID class driver that supports HID mice

IEEE 1394 Drivers

The following table shows the IEEE 1394 drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on IEEE 1394 drivers, see IEEE 1394 Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
IEEE 1394 BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394 1394bus.dll The core shared components of the IEEE 1394 stack required for developing IEEE 1394 drivers.
Audio Video Control (AV/C) Protocol BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_AVC Avc.dll The standard shared components for the IEEE 1394 stack AV/C protocols, required for supporting any audio/video interfaces.
AV/C Streaming Filter Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_AVC_STREAMING Avc_stream.dll An optional filter driver that is needed by the IEEE 1394 AV/C VCR subunit and any virtual subunit drivers.
AV/C VCR Subunit Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VCR Avc_vcr.dll The sample driver for supporting, or serving as a client to, an IEEE 1394 AV/C VCR or Tape Recorder subunit on the 1394 bus.
AV/C VCR Virtual Subunit Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VCR_VIRTUAL Avc_vvcr.dll A sample virtual driver for exporting an IEEE 1394 VCR subunit, for example, to emulate that functionality on the IEEE 1394 bus.
AV/C Virtual Subunit Core BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_AVC_VIRTUAL 61883.dll The core shared components for supporting AV/C virtual subunit devices on the platform. For example, this core component is necessary if there are eight virtual subunits.
Non-AV/C Web Camera Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_DCAM 1394dcam.dll A sample driver for supporting, or serving as a client to, an IEEE 1394 digital Web camera subunit on the 1394 bus.
Non-AV/C Web Camera Virtual Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_DCAM_VIRTUAL Virtdcam.dll A sample virtual driver for exporting an IEEE 1394 digital Web camera subunit, for example, to emulate the videoconferencing camera functionality on the IEEE 1394 bus.
Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_SBP2 Sbp2.dll The core shared components of the IEEE 1394 stack for supporting any computer peripheral type of 1394 devices.
SBP-2 Storage Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_SBP2_SCSI Scsiblk.dll A sample driver for supporting any IEEE 1394 SCSI block devices, for example, storage devices.
Test Tools - Diagnostics Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_DIAG 1394diag.dll The IEEE 1394 Diagnostics driver that can be used to test the IEEE 1394 bus.
Test Tools - Diagnostics Virtual Driver BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_DIAG_VIRTUAL 1394vdev.dll The IEEE 1394 Diagnostics driver that tests the IEEE 1394 bus on the platform, but as a virtual 1394 bus-level device.
Test Tools - Sample Application BSP_NO1394 SYSGEN_1394_TOOLS Topomap.dll The IEEE 1394 sample tools for testing the IEEE 1394 bus.

Keyboard Drivers

The following table shows the input device drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on keyboard drivers, see Keyboard Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. Keypad.dll The matrix keyboard driver for the Broadcom BCM91101 MIPSII BSP.
Emulator Keyboard/Mouse English None. The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdEmulXTMsEngUs1.dll The English keyboard and mouse driver for the x86 Emulator.
Emulator Keyboard/Mouse Japanese1 (NEC layout) None. Set BSP_KEYBD_JPN1 and change the locale. KbdEmulXTMsJpn1.dll The NEC layout Japanese keyboard and mouse driver for the x86 Emulator.
Emulator Keyboard/Mouse Japanese2 (IBM layout) None. The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdEmulXTMsJpn2.dll The IBM layout Japanese keyboard and mouse driver for the x86 Emulator.
Emulator Keyboard/Mouse Korean None. The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdEmulXTMsKor1.dll The Korean keyboard and mouse driver for the x86 Emulator.
HD465AT Keyboard/Mouse English BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdHD465Us.dll The English keyboard and mouse driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB BSP.
HD465AT Keyboard/Mouse Japanese1 (NEC layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


Set BSP_KEYBD_JPN1 and change the locale. KbdHD465Jpn1.dll The NEC layout Japanese keyboard and mouse driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB BSP.
HD465AT Keyboard/Mouse Japanese2 (IBM layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdHD465Jpn2.dll The IBM layout Japanese keyboard and mouse driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB BSP.
HD465AT Keyboard/Mouse Korean BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdHD465Kor.dll The Korean keyboard and mouse driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB BSP.
S32410 Matrix Keyboard/Mouse Common BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. Kbdmouse.dll The matrix keyboard and mouse driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
S32410 Matrix Keyboard/Mouse English BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdS3C2410Us.dll The English matrix keyboard and mouse driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
S32410 Matrix Keyboard/Mouse Japanese1 (NEC layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


Set BSP_KEYBD_JPN1 and change the locale. KbdS3C2410Jpn1.dll The NEC layout Japanese matrix keyboard and mouse driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
S32410 Matrix Keyboard/Mouse Japanese2 (IBM layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdS3C2410Jpn2.dll The IBM layout Japanese matrix keyboard and mouse driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
S32410 Matrix Keyboard/Mouse Korean BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdS3C2410Kor.dll The Korean matrix keyboard and mouse driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
8042 Keyboard/Mouse English BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. Kbd8042US.dll


The English keyboard and mouse driver.
8042 Keyboard/Mouse Japanese1 (NEC layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


Set BSP_KEYBD_JPN1 and change the locale. Kbd8042Jpn1.dll


The Japanese keyboard and mouse driver with the NEC layout.
8042 Keyboard/Mouse Japanese2 (IBM layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. Kbd8042Jpn2.dll


The Japanese keyboard and mouse driver with the IBM layout.
8042 Keyboard/Mouse Korean BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. Kbd8042Kor.dll


The Korean keyboard and mouse driver.
NOP (Stub) Keyboard/Mouse English BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdNopUS.dll


The stubbed English keyboard and mouse driver.
NOP (Stub) Keyboard/Mouse Japanese1 (NEC layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


Set BSP_KEYBD_JPN1 and change the locale. KbdNopJpn1.dll The stubbed Japanese keyboard and mouse driver with the NEC layout.
NOP (Stub) Keyboard/Mouse Japanese2 (IBM layout) BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdNopJpn2.dll The stubbed Japanese keyboard and mouse driver with the IBM layout.
NOP (Stub) Keyboard/Mouse Korean BSP_NOKEYBD


The default language is English. Change the locale to change the language. KbdNopKor.dll The stubbed Korean keyboard and mouse driver.

Network Drivers

The following table shows the networking drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on networking drivers, see Network Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
AMD Au1 MAC BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_AU1 Au1mac.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the AMD DBAu1000, DBAu1100, and DBAu1500 MIPSII BSPs.
BCM11xx MAC BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_BCM11 Bcm11mac.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the Broadcom BCM91101 MIPSII BSP.
Emulator DC21x40 Ethernet Controller BSP_NOETHER None. Dc21x4.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the x86 Emulator BSP.
Asyncmac NDIS Driver BSP_NOETHER SYSGEN_ASYNCMAC Asyncmac.dll The Asyncmac NDIS driver.
CISCO Aironet 340/350 PCMCIA WLAN Card BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_PCX500_PCMCIA Pcx500.DLL The driver for the CISCO Aironet 340/350 PCMCIA WLAN Card.
Intersil Prism2 WLAN PCMCIA Driver BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_ISLP2NDS_PCMCIA ISLP2NDS.dll The driver for the Intersil Prism2 WLAN PCMCIA card.
National Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) BSP_NOETHER SYSGEN_ETHERNET


Dp83815.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the National DP83815.


Ne2000.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the generic PCI NE2000.


Ne2000.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the generic PCMCIA NE2000.


Ne2000.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the generic ISA NE2000.


Rtl8139.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the RealTek RTL8139.
Realtek RTL8180 Native Wi-Fi STA Driver BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_RTL8180_STA Rtl8180wf.dll The RealTek RTL8180 Native Wi-Fi STA driver.
Realtek RTL8180 Native Wi-Fi AP Driver BSP_NOETHER BSP_NIC_RTL8180 Rtl8180wf.dll The Realtek RTL8180 Native Wi-Fi AP driver.


Smsc100fd.dll The NDIS miniport driver for the SMSC100.
Serial Infrared (SIR) BSP_NOSIR SYSGEN_IRDA Irsir.dll This adds the infrared support to your driver.

Note   For non-debug configurations, Microsoft recommends removing the VMINI shared Ethernet library by setting IMGNOSHAREETH and BSP_NOSHAREETH to 1.

Notification LED Drivers

The following table shows the notification LED drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on notification LED drivers, see Notification LED Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Notification LED Support BSP_NONLED SYSGEN_NLED Nleddrv.dll The notification LED driver.

Parallel Port Drivers

The following table shows the parallel drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on parallel port drivers, see Parallel Port Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
HD465 Parallel BSP_NOPARALLEL SYSGEN_PARALLEL HD465parallel.dll The parallel port driver.


Parallel.dll The parallel port driver.

PC Card Drivers

The following table shows the PC Card drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on PC Card drivers, see PC Card Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
AMD Au1 PCMCIA None. BSP_PCCARD_AU1 Pcc_au1.dll The PC card host controller driver for the AMD DBAu1000, DBAu1100, and DBAu1500 MIPSII BSPs.
MainstoneII (FPGA) PCCARD BSP_NOPCCARD None. Pcc_mainstoneii.dll The PC card host controller driver for the Intel PXA27x ARMV4I Dev Platform.
Cirrus Logic CL-PD6710 PCMCIA BSP_NOPCCARD None. Pcc_smdk2410.dll The PC card host controller driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
i82365 BSP_NOPCMCIA BSP_PCMCIA_I82365 Pcc_i82365.dll The PC Card driver for Intel 82365-compatible host controllers.
TI PC Card BSP_NOPCMCIA BSP_PCCARD_TIPCCARD Pcc_tipccard.dll The PC Card driver for TI 1250-compatible host controllers.

PCI Bus Driver

The following table shows the PCI bus driver that appears in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on the PCI bus driver, see PCI Bus Driver.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
PCI Bus BSP_NOPCIBUS None. PCIbus.dll The bus driver for PCI devices and enumeration.

Power Management

The following table shows the power management modules that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on power management, see Power Management.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Power Management (Full) None. SYSGEN_PM Pm.dll Sample Power Manager implementation.
Power Management (Minimal) None. SYSGEN_PMSTUBS Pmstubs.dll Stubbed Power Manager.

Printer Drivers

The following table shows the printer device drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on printer device drivers, see Printer Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
PCL Printer Driver None. SYSGEN_PCL Pcl.dll A sample printer driver to support Printer Control Language (PCL)-compatible printers.

Secure Digital Card Drivers

The following table shows the SDIO Standard Host Controller drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on secure digital card drivers, see Secure Digital Card Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
SD Memory None. SYSGEN_SD_MEMORY Sdmemory.dll SD memory card driver.
Samsung 2410 SDIO Host None. BSP_SDHC_SC2410 Sdhc_sc2410.dll Driver for the Samsung 2410 SD host controller.
SDIO Standard Host Controller None. SYSGEN_SDHC_STANDARD Sdhc.dll PCI host controllers for SDA defined Standard Host Controller Register Specification v1.0.

Serial Port Drivers

The following table shows the serial drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on serial port drivers, see Serial Port Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
AMD Au1 UART None. BSP_SERIAL_AU1 Au1uart.dll Serial port driver for the AMD DBAu1000, DBAu1100, and DBAu1500 MIPSII BSPs.
PXA27x Serial BSP_NOSERIAL None. Ms2_serial.dll Serial port driver for the Intel PXA27x ARMV4I Dev Platform.
HD465 Serial Port BSP_NOSERIAL None. HDC16550.dll Serial port driver for the Renesas US7750R HARP SH4 SDB BSP.
S3C2410x Serial Driver BSP_NOSERIAL None. Serial_smdk2410.dll Serial port driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
Com16550 BSP_NOSERIAL None. Com16550.dll The serial port driver for the 16550 UART (virtual COM1).
Com16550 (Second Instance) BSP_NOSERIAL BSP_SERIAL2 Com16550.dll The serial port driver for the 16550 UART (virtual COM2).
Com16550 (Third Instance) BSP_NOSERIAL BSP_SERIAL3 Com16550.dll The serial port driver for the 16550 UART (virtual COM3).



None. Com_card.dll The combined serial port driver for a native 16550 UART and a PC Card 16550 UART.

Smart Card Drivers

The following table shows the Smart Card drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on Smart Card drivers, see Smart Card Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Bull Systems Smart TLP3 - Serial Smart Card Reader None. SYSGEN_SMARTCARD_SERIAL BULLTLP3.dll A sample Smart Card driver to support Bull Systems Smart TLP3 Serial Smart Card Reader.
SCM Microsystems SCR201 - PCMCIA Smart Card Reader None. SYSGEN_SMARTCARD_PCMCIA Pscr.dll A sample USB driver to support SCM Microsystems SCR 120 PC Card Smart Card Reader.
SCM Microsystems SCR300 - USB Smart Card Reader None. SYSGEN_USB_SMARTCARD STCUSB.dll A sample USB driver to support SCM Microsystems SCR300 USB Smart Card Readers on the platform.

Touch Screen Drivers

The following table shows the touch screen drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on touch screen drivers, see Touch Screen Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
BCM91101SP Touch BSP_NOTOUCH None. Touch.dll Touch screen driver for the Broadcom BCM91101 MIPSII SDB.
MainstoneII Touch BSP_NOTOUCH None. Touch.dll Touch screen driver for the Intel PXA27x ARMV4I Dev Platform.

USB Function Drivers

The following table shows the USB function drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on USB function drivers, see USB Function Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
PXA27x USB Function BSP_NOUSBFN None. Ms2_usbfn.dll USB function controller driver for the Intel PXA27x ARMV4I Dev Platform.
Samsung 2410 CSP BSP_NOUSBFN SYSGEN_USBFN Sc2410usbfn.dll USB function controller driver for the Samsung SMDK2410 ARMV4I BSP.
Netchip NET2280 USB Function None. SYSGEN_USBFN_NET2280 Net2280.dll The USB function controller driver for the Netchip NET2890. It exposes the RNDIS interface.
Mass Storage client None. SYSGEN_USBFN_STORAGE Usbmsfn.dll USB function mass storage client driver.
RNDIS Client None. SYSGEN_USBFN_ETHERNET Rndisfn.dll USB function RNDIS client driver.
Serial client None. SYSGEN_USBFN_SERIAL Serialusbfn.dll USB function serial client driver.

USB Host Drivers

The following table shows the USB host drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. For more information on USB host drivers, see USB Host Drivers.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
AMD Au1 OHCI None. BSP_USB_AU1 Au1ohcd.dll OHCI driver for the AMD DBAu1000, DBAu1100, and DBAu1500 MIPSII BSPs.
PXA27x USB Host (OHCI) BSP_NOUSB None. Ohci2.dll OHCI driver for the Intel PXA27x ARMV4I Dev Platform.
USB Printer Class Driver None. SYSGEN_USB_PRINTER Usbprn.dll The USB class driver that supports USB printer class devices.
USB Remote NDIS Class Driver None. SYSGEN_ETH_USB_HOST Rndismp.dll The USB class driver that supports Remote NDIS compatible Ethernet adapters.
USB Storage Class Driver None. SYSGEN_USB_STORAGE Usbmsc.dll The USB class driver that supports USB storage class devices.


Ehci.dll The generic EHCI host controller driver.


HD465ohci.dll The built-in driver for Hitachi HD64465 USB open host controller interface (OHCI).


Ohci2.dll The generic OHCI host controller driver.


Uhci.dll The generic UHCI host controller driver.

Windows CE Test Kit

The following table shows the Windows CE Test Kit drivers that appear in the Platform Builder Catalog. Fore more information on the Windows CE Test Kit, see Windows CE Test Kit.

Catalog item Exclude when set Include when set MODULE_NAME Description
Windows CE Test Kit None. SYSGEN_WCETK Wcetk.dll The Microsoft Windows® CE .NET 4.2 Test Kit (CETK) is a testing tool that incorporates command line tests into a graphical user interface (GUI). The tests are designed to assist you in testing your device drivers for the Windows CE OS.

See Also

Production-Quality Drivers | Setting or Clearing an Environment Variable

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