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I/O Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the I/O macros.

Programming Element Description
CLRPORT8 This macro clears a byte from a specified port address.
CLRPORT16 This macro clears a 16-bit word from a specified port address.
CLRPORT32 This macro clears a 32-bit word from a specified port address.
CLRREG8 This macro clears a byte at a specified address.
CLRREG16 This macro clears a 16-bit word at a specified address.
CLRREG32 This macro clears a 32-bit word at a specified address.
INPORT8 This macro reads a byte from a specified address.
INPORT16 This macro reads a 16-bit word from a specified port address.
INPORT32 This macro reads a 32-bit word from a specified address.
INREG8 This macro reads a byte from a specified address.
INREG16 This macro reads a 16-bit word from a specified address.
INREG32 This macro reads a 32-bit word from a specified address.
MASKPORT8 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a byte to a specified address.
MASKPORT16 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a 16-bit word to a specified address.
MASKPORT32 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a 32-bit word to a specified address.
MASKREG8 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a byte to a specified address.
MASKREG16 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a 16-bit word to a specified address.
MASKREG32 This macro is a helper function that uses a bit mask to write a 32-bit word to a specified address.
OUTPORT8 This macro writes a byte to a specified address.
OUTPORT16 This macro writes a 16-bit word to a specified address.
OUTPORT32 This macro writes a 32-bit word to a specified address.
OUTREG8 This macro writes a byte to a specified address.
OUTREG16 This macro writes a 16-bit word to a specified address.
OUTREG32 This macro writes a 32-bit word to a specified address.
SETPORT8 This macro sets the bits at a specified port address.
SETPORT16 This macro sets a 16-bit word at a specified port address.
SETPORT32 This macro sets a 32-bit word at a specified port address.
SETREG8 This macro sets the bits at a specified address.
SETREG16 This macro sets a 16-bit word at a specified address.
SETREG32 This macro sets a 32-bit word at a specified address.

See Also

I/O Reference | Production-Quality OAL Components

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