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Interrupt Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Interrupt functions.

Programming Element Description
BSPIntrActiveIrq This function translates IRQs for chaining the controller interrupt. It is called from the interrupt handler if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks.
BSPIntrDisableIrq This function must be called by OALIntrDisableIrqs if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks.
BSPIntrDoneIrq This function must be called by OALIntrDoneIrqs if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks.
BSPIntrEnableIrq This function must be called by OALIntrEnableIrqs if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks.
BSPIntrInit This function allows the BSP to initialize a secondary interrupt controller.
BSPIntrRequestIrqs This function is called by OALIntrRequestIrqs if your implementation uses hardware platform callbacks and the device is not recognized.
OALIntrDisableIrqs This function disables the list of interrupts identified by an IRQ.
OALIntrDoneIrqs This function scans the list of interrupts identified by an IRQ, signaling the end of interrupt processing.
OALIntrEnableIrqs This function enables the list of interrupts identified by an IRQ.
OALIntrInit This function initializes the interrupt hardware. It is usually called during the system initialization process.
OALIntrMapInit This function initializes the mapping structure that describes bi-directional mapping between IRQs and SYSINTR logical interrupts.
OALIntrReleaseSysIntr This function releases a SYSINTR.
OALIntrRequestIrqs This function returns the list of IRQs for the device.
OALIntrRequestSysIntr This function allocates a new SYSINTR value for a specified IRQ list.
OALIntrStaticTranslate This function sets the static mapping between an IRQ and a SYSINTR. OALIntrStaticTranslate is typically used during system initialization for legacy drivers.
OALIntrTranslateIrq This function returns the SYSINTR for a specified IRQ based on the static mapping.
OALIntrTranslateSysIntr This function returns the list of IRQs for a specified SYSINTR.
OALIoCtlHalReleaseSysIntr OALIoCtlHalReleaseSysIntr releases a previously-requested SYSINTR.
OALIoCtlHalRequestIrq OALIoCtlHalRequestIrq returns the IRQ for a device on a specified location.
OALIoCtlHalRequestSysIntr OALIoCtlHalRequestSysIntr returns an existing SYSINTR for non-shareable IRQs and creates a new IRQ-to-SYSINTR mapping for shareable IRQs.

See Also

Interrupt Reference | Production-Quality OAL Components

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