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Windows CE 3.0 Migration Map (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table maps Microsoft® Windows® CE 3.0 functionality to its equivalent Windows CE 5.0 functionality and Sysgen variables.

Windows CE 3.0 Windows CE 5.0
Functionality Module/component Functionality Sysgen variable
ATA disk Atadisk Compact Flash/PC Card Storage (ATADISK) SYSGEN_ATADISK
Audio Gsm610, Audio Audio (Waveform Audio) SYSGEN_AUDIO
Basic Component Object Model (COM), support Uuid, Ole32, Oleaut32, Com, Docfile, Msf, Exp COM SYSGEN_OLE
Basic serial communications support Serdev Serial Communications SYSGEN_SERDEV
Battery Getpower Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
C runtime support Corestra(w) Standard String Functions — ASCII (Corestra) SYSGEN_CORESTRA
Clipboard support Clipbd Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Command Processor Cmd Command Processor SYSGEN_CMD
Communications Pegterm, Termctrl, Rnaapp Terminal Emulator, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) SYSGEN_PEGTERM, SYSGEN_RDP
Communications support for serial communications and TAPI Serdev, Tapilib Serial Communications, Telephony API (TAPI 2.0) SYSGEN_SERDEV, SYSGEN_TAPI
Compression support Nkcompr, Nknocomp Compression

This functionality is useful to compress the run-time image if it includes Device.exe.

Console API support Coresiow, Coresioa Standard IO (STDIO), Standard IO ASCII (STDIOA) SYSGEN_STDIO, SYSGEN_STDIOA
Console support Console, Net Console Window, Command Processor SYSGEN_CONSOLE, SYSGEN_CMD
Control Panel applications Commctrl, Control, Ctlpnl, Cplmain Windows Thin Client Shell SYSGEN_WBTSHELL
Cryptography API version 1.0 support Crytapi, Ntlmssp, Rsabase, Secur32, Rsa32 Cryptography Services (CryptoAPI 1.0) with High Encryption Provider SYSGEN_CRYPTO
Cryptography API version 2.0 support Msasn1, Crypt32 Certificates (CryptoAPI 2.0) SYSGEN_CERTS
Customizable Network UI Netui Network User Interface SYSGEN_CONNMC
Customizable Network UI Netui Network User Interface SYSGEN_CONNMC
Customizable Startup, Out of Memory, Touch Screen Calibration, and Notification UIs Startui, Oomui Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Customizable Touch Screen Calibration UI Tchui Touch Screen (Stylus) SYSGEN_TOUCH
Database Fsdbase Database support SYSGEN_FSDBASE
Debug shell (Shell.exe) and ToolHelp (ToolHelp.dll) Shell, Toolhelp Debug Shell, Toolhelp API SYSGEN_SHELL, SYSGEN_TOOLHELP
DirectDraw® core functionality Directdraw, Ddhel DirectDraw SYSGEN_DDRAW
DirectDraw sample applications Ddsamples DirectDraw SYSGEN_DDRAW
DirectMusic® engine Dmusic No longer supported. None
DirectMusic sample wave files Msdls No longer supported. None
DirectMusic software synthesizer Dmsynth No longer supported. None
DirectShow® audio codecs Msacmce, Msadpcm, Imaadpcm, Pcmconv, Msgsm610, Msg711 ACM Wrapper Filter SYSGEN_DSHOW_ACMWRAP
DirectShow core functionality Mmtimer, Quartz, Amstream Device Manager, DirectShow core, Windows Media Player OCX SYSGEN_DEVICE, SYSGEN_DSHOW, SYSGEN_DSHOW_WMP
DirectShow core functionality (Quartz1) Acmwrap, Wavemsr, Waveout, Dsndout, Mididm, Mpgadec, Quartz1 DirectShow core, ACM Wrapper Filter, Wave/AIFF/au/snd File Parser, Waveform Audio Renderer, MPEG-1 Layer 1 & 2 Audio Codec SYSGEN_DSHOW, SYSGEN_DSHOW_ACMWRAP, SYSGEN_DSHOW_WAV, SYSGEN_DSHOW_WAVEOUT, SYSGEN_DSHOW_MPEGA
DirectShow core functionality (Quartz2) Asyncrdr, Urlrdr, Qtrdr, Avimsr, Avidec, Mpgsplit, Mpgvdec, Quartz2, Image, Ovmixer2, Scmdout DirectShow core, URL Moniker Services, AVI Filter, MPEG-1 Parser/Splitter, MPEG-1 Video Codec, DirectShow Video Renderer SYSGEN_DSHOW, SYSGEN_URLMON, SYSGEN_DSHOW_AVI, SYSGEN_DSHOW_MPEGSPLITTER, SYSGEN_DSHOW_MPEGV, SYSGEN_DSHOW_VIDREND
DirectShow sample applications Dshowsamples DirectShow core SYSGEN_DSHOW
DirectShow video codecs Icm, Iccvid, Msrle32 MPEG-1 Video Codec, MS RLE Video Codec SYSGEN_DSHOW_MPEGV, SYSGEN_DSHOW_MSRLE
DirectSound® core functionality Directsound No longer supported. Use Waveform Audio instead. SYSGEN_AUDIO
DirectSound mixers (Choose one) Dsmixer, Dsmixermr No longer supported. Use Waveform Audio instead. SYSGEN_AUDIO
DirectSound sample Dsplay No longer supported. Use Waveform Audio instead. SYSGEN_AUDIO
DirectSound wave compatibility Idswave, Wavebuff Waveform Audio SYSGEN_AUDIO
Display Display Display SYSGEN_DISPLAY
Distributed COM (DCOM) Support Dllhost, Dcomssd, Dcomole, Lpcd, Lpcrt, Rpcrt4, Rpcltccm, Rpcltscm DCOM SYSGEN_DCOM
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client Dhcp Wired Local Area Network (802.3, 802.5) SYSGEN_ETHERNET
English handwriting recognition support Hwxusa Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) and Sample UI SYSGEN_HWX
FAT file system Fatfs FAT File System SYSGEN_FATFS
FAT file system driver Fatfs, Atadisk, Sramdisk, Ceramdrv, Trueffs FAT File System, Compact Flash/PC Card Storage (ATADISK)

Note   M-Systems TrueFFS is no longer supported.

File management Pmstub Database support or bit-based SYSGEN_FILESYS, SYSGEN_FSDBASE, SYSGEN_FSREPLBIT
FileInfo and FileOpen common dialog boxes Fileinfo, Fileopen Standard functionality not in Catalog None
Floating point emulation support Fpemul Standard functionality not in Catalog BSP_FPEMUL
FormatMessage API support and Message resources Fmtres and Fmtmsg FormatMessage API, FormatMessage API — System Error Messages SYSGEN_FMTMSG, SYSGEN_FMTRES
Full NLS-capable APIs Coreloc National Language Support (NLS) SYSGEN_CORELOC
GDI support, including TrueType, text drawing, and palette support Mgtt, Mgdrwtxt, Mgpal Minimal GDI Configuration SYSGEN_MINGDI
Generic device driver support Device Device Manager SYSGEN_DEVICE
Generic NLS or U.S.-specific NLS Coreloc, Locusa National Language Support (NLS), English (US) National Language Support only SYSGEN_CORELOC,


Handheld PC-style shell Explorer, Asform, Ceshell Standard Shell SYSGEN_STANDARDSHELL
Help for Windows CE Peghelp, Htmlview Help SYSGEN_HELP
HTTP Httpd, Httpdadm, Httpdsvc, Httpauth, Httpisapi, Httpextn, Httpfilt Web Server (HTTPD) SYSGEN_HTTPD
Icons and cursors Iconcurs, Iconcmn, Icon, Mcursor, Mcursor8 Mouse SYSGEN_CURSOR
IMM support Coreimm Standard functionality not in Catalog None
IMM support Immthunk Minimal GWES Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES
Inbox Labledit, Mailutil, Msgstore Inbox SYSGEN_PMAIL
Includes an idle state Idle Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
InfoTech Secure Storage Msitss, Stg XML Core Services and Document Object Model (DOM), or XML Minimal Parser SYSGEN_MSXML_DOM, SYSGEN_MSXML_MINI
Internet Connection Sharing Ipnat, Autodial Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), AutoDial SYSGEN_GATEWAY, SYSGEN_AUTORAS
IP configuration tool Ipconfig, Route Network Utilities (IpConfig, Ping, Route) SYSGEN_NETUTILS
IR Emulated Serial Port support IrComm IrDA SYSGEN_IRDA
Japanese language support, including support for handwriting recognition, edit controls, IME, and Japanese characters Hwxjpn, Msime98, Imejpp, Imejppui, Edimejpn, Mgfe, Edimefe Handwriting Recognizer Engine (HWX) and Sample UI, IME 3.1 or Pocket IME SYSGEN_HWX, [SYSGEN_IMEJPN, SYSGEN_IMEJPN_ADVANCED_SETTING, SYSGEN_IMEJPN_DICTIONARY_TOOL, SYSGEN_IMEJPN_PROPERTY, SYSGEN_IMEJPN_SYSTRAY] or [SYSGEN_PIME, SYSGEN_PIME_NAME_PLACE_DATA, SYSGEN_PIME_SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA]
Keyboard accelerator support Accel_c Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Keyboard and mouse Kbdmsg, mouse Keyboard & Touch Driver Debugging Sample Applications, Mouse SYSGEN_DEMOSSYSGEN_TCHTEST, SYSGEN_KEYBDTEST, SYSGEN_CURSOR
Keyboard, sample Kbdmsg Keyboard & Touch Driver Debugging Sample Applications SYSGEN_DEMOSSYSGEN_TCHTEST, SYSGEN_KEYBDTEST
Korean language support, including support for edit controls, IME, and Korean characters Edimefek, Mshime97, Mgfe Edimekor IME 97 SYSGEN_K_IME97
Local heap and memory allocation Lmem Standard functionality not in Catalog None
Memory, process, management Nk Standard functionality not in Catalog None
Messaging, and user input support including support for standard window controls, such as buttons, edit controls, and scroll bars Msgbeep, Msgbox, Msgque, Uibase, Edctl, Scbctl, Btnctl, Cascade, Clipbd Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Messaging, user input, windowing, and GDI support Wmgr_c, Mgdi_c Minimal GDI Configuration SYSGEN_MINGDI
Microsoft Jscript® development software Jscript JScript 5.5 SYSGEN_JSCRIPT
Microsoft Message Queue Service (MSMQ) Mqoa, Msmqapi, Msmqd, Msmqdm, Msmqrt Message Queuing (MSMQ) SYSGEN_MSMQ
Microsoft® Pocket Internet Explorer Internet browser Iexplore, Mlang, Wininet, Imgdecmp, Webview Internet Explorer 6 Sample Browser, or Pocket Internet Explorer SYSGEN_IESAMPLE, or SYSGEN_PIE
Microsoft® Pocket WordWord Mobile Pwd_res, Pword, Pwwiff WordPad SYSGEN_PWORD
Minimal Windowing support (hidden windows), messaging and user input support Msgque, Uibase, Wmbase Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
MSMQ Mqrt, Netregd, Msmqadm, Msmqrt Message Queuing (MSMQ) SYSGEN_MSMQ
NDIS Miniport drivers Ne2000, Xircce2 Wired Local Area Network (802.3, 802.5), Xircom CE2 PC Card SYSGEN_ETHERNET
Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) NDIS NDIS 5.1 SYSGEN_NDIS
Network UI dialog boxes Netui Network User Interface SYSGEN_CONNMC
NLS for the United States only Coreloc National Language Support (NLS) SYSGEN_CORELOC
Notification LED support Nled Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
Other GWES components Gwe1, Gweshare, Gwesmain, Immthunk, Loadstr, GSetWinLong Minimal GWES Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES
Password support Fspass System Password SYSGEN_FSPASSWORD
PC Card sample driver (CardTest) Atadisk, Sramdisk Compact Flash/PC Card Storage (ATADISK) SYSGEN_ATADISK
PC Card support Cardserv PCMCIA Card Drivers BSP_PCMCIA
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) PPTP Virtual Private Networking (PPTP) SYSGEN_PPTP
Power management Getpower Minimal Input Configuration SYSGEN_MININPUT
Printing support Mgprint Printing SYSGEN_PRINTING
ROM-based or RAM/ROM-based file system Fsysrom or Fsysram RAM & ROM File System SYSGEN_FSRAMROM, SYSGEN_FSROMONLY
Sample network drivers: NDIS Ne2000, Xircce2 NE2000 PC Card, Xircom CE2 PC Card SYSGEN_ETHERNET, SYSGEN_ETH_XIRCOM
Sample Shell Taskman Taskman Sample Shell __SYSGEN_TASKMAN
Schannel with Server Gated Cryptographic (SGC) support Schannel Schannel (SSL/TLS) SYSGEN_AUTH_SCHANNEL
Secure Winsock Sslsock Schannel (SSL/TLS) SYSGEN_AUTH_SCHANNEL
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) PPP, Asyncmac Dial Up Networking (RAS/PPP), Unimodem Support SYSGEN_PPP, SYSGEN_MODEM
Serial port device driver thunks Thunks Standard functionality not in Catalog None
Serial, sample Serial Device Manager SYSGEN_DEVICE
Shell API support Shellapis Standard functionality not in Catalog None
Shell.exe and ToolHelp.dll Shell, Toolhelp Debugging Tools, Toolhelp (debug support) SYSGEN_SHELL, SYSGEN_TOOLHELP
Smart Card Reader Drivers Pscr, Bulltlp3, Stcusb Smart Card SYSGEN_SMARTCARD
Smart Card Resource Manager APIs Scard, WinCard Smart Card SYSGEN_SMARTCARD
SNMP Agent Snmp Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SYSGEN_SNMP
SNMP MIBs Snmp_mibii, Snmp_hostmib Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SYSGEN_SNMP
Soft input panel support, including sample IM (English/Korean/Japanese) Softkb, Coresip Software-based Input Panel Driver SYSGEN_SOFTKB
SRAM disk Sramdisk Not included None
Stdio support Coresiow, Coresioa Standard IO (STDIO), Standard IO ASCII (STDIOA) SYSGEN_STDIO, SYSGEN_STDIOA
System registry Fsreg Hive-based registry, RAM-based registry SYSGEN_FSREGHIVE, SYSGEN_FSREGRAM
TAPI API support Tapi, Telephony API (TAPI 2.0) SYSGEN_TAPI
TCP/IP and IR Tcpstk, Irdastk IrDA SYSGEN_IRDA
Telephony (TAPI) TAPI, Unimodem Telephony API (TAPI 2.0), Unimodem Support SYSGEN_TAPI, SYSGEN_MODEM
Timer message support Timer Minimal Window Manager Configuration, or DirectShow SYSGEN_MINWMGR, SYSGEN_DSHOW
Touch screen Tchui Touch Screen (Stylus) SYSGEN_TOUCH
USB HID driver Usbhid, Usbmouse USB Human Input Device (HID) Class Driver SYSGEN_USB_HID_CLIENTS
User notifications API support Notify, Notifpub Minimal Notifications Configuration SYSGEN_MINNOTIFY
WAV API and PCM manager Waveapi Audio Compression Manager SYSGEN_AUDIO_ACM
Window and dialog box management Wmbase, Dlgmgr Minimal GWES Configuration, Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES, SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Windowing, and GDI support Wmgr_c, Mgdi_c Minimal GWES Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES
Windows CE common controls and common dialog boxes Commctrl, Cmbctl, Cascade, Btnctl Minimal GWES Configuration, Minimal Window Manager Configuration SYSGEN_MINGWES, SYSGEN_MINWMGR
Windows Terminal Server and Remote Desktop Protocol Mstsc Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) SYSGEN_RDP
Winsock APIs Winsock Winsock Support SYSGEN_WINSOCK
WNet/SMB redirector Redir, Netbios Windows Networking Redirector (SMB/CIFS) SYSGEN_REDIR

See Also

Migrating Windows CE OS Functionality

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