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Enumerating the Content of a Service or a Storage

The Service object and the Storage object are both specialized types of WPDObject. This means that they inherit from WPDObject the common functionality of containing a collection of child objects that can be enumerated, added to, or removed from the collection.

This collection of child objects is known generically as a childrenCollection, and more specifically as a servicesCollection or a storagesCollection, depending on whether it is contained in a Service object or a Storage object.

There are two ways to enumerate the child objects contained in the childrenCollection of a parent WPDObject: retrieving a collection of all children from the Children property, and retrieving a collection of children by calling the GetChildrenByFormat method.

Enumerating Child Objects in a childrenCollection

Retrieving a collection of all children from the read-only Children property is shown in the following example.

var children = wpdObject.Children;

Retrieving a collection of children by format by calling the GetChildrenByFormat method is shown in the following example.

var children = wpdObject.GetChildrenByFormat(VARIANT);

Retrieving a Collection of Children by Format

When retrieving a collection of children by format, as in the previous example, VARIANT can be a string containing the name of the format or an array of strings that are format names. In the following example, VARIANT is a string that contains the name of the format.

var children = wpdObject.GetChildrenByFormat("AbstractContact");

The following example uses VARIANT as an array of strings that are format names.

// This is the array type supported by JScript.
var children = wpdObject.GetChildrenByFormat(["AbstractContact", "Vcard2"]); 

// A regular JScript Array can also be used.
var formats = new Array("AbstractContact", "Vcard2"); 
var children = wpdObject.GetChildrenByFormat(formats);

Enumerating the Content of a Service

The content of a Service object can be enumerated using the same two ways outlined previously for enumerating the content of a WPDObject: retrieving a collection of the children from a service, and retrieving a collection of children from a service by format.

The following example shows how to retrieve a collection of the children from a service.

// Get a specific service from the device.
var service = deviceObject.Services[1];

// Get the collection of all children for this service.
var children = service.Children;

The following example shows how to retrieve a collection of children from a service by format, enumerate the collection, and retrieve property values from items in the collection. This example assumes that the PUID of the contacts service is known. For more information on retrieving the PUID for a specific service, see Enumerating Services and Storages.

function GetServiceContent()
    // Get the contacts service from the device.
    var service = deviceObject.Services["contactsServicePUID"];

    // Retrieve a collection of contacts from the service by format.
    var contactObjects = service.GetChildrenByFormat(["AbstractContact", "Vcard2"]);

    // Enumerate the contacts in the collection. 
    for (i=0; i < contactObjects.Count; i++)
        // Get a property value from this contact.
        var firstName = contactObjects[i].ContactPhoneticFirstName;
        // Get other property values from this contact.

Enumerating the Content of a Storage

The content of a Storage object can also be enumerated using the same two ways described for enumerating the content of a WPDObject: retrieving a collection of the children from a storage, and retrieving a collection of children from a storage by format.

The following example shows how to retrieve a collection of the children from a storage.

// Get a specific storage from the device.
var storage = deviceObject.Storages[1];

// Get the collection of all children for this storage.
var children = storage.Children;

The following example shows how to retrieve a collection of children from a storage by format, enumerate the collection, and retrieve property values from items in the collection.

function GetStorageContent()
    // Get a specific storage from the device.
    var storage = deviceObject.Storages[0];     

    // Retrieve a collection of audio objects from the storage by format.
    var audioObjects = storage.GetChildrenByFormat(["Wma", "Mp3"]);

    // Enumerate the audio objects in the collection.
    for (i=0; i < audioObjects.Count; i++)
        // Get a property value from this audio object.
        var title = audioObjects[i].MediaTitle;

        // Get other property values from this audio object.

childrenCollection Object

Device Object

Enumerating Services and Storages

Service Object

servicesCollection Object

Storage Object

storagesCollection Object


WPD Automation Programming Guide