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Windows Sync Registration Interfaces

Windows Sync Registration defines the following interfaces, including all associated methods.


Interface Description
IEnumSyncProviderConfigUIInfos Enumerates ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo objects that contain configuration UI information used to build a synchronization provider.
IEnumSyncProviderInfos Enumerates ISyncProviderInfo objects that contain the information used to create an instance of a synchronization provider.
IRegisteredSyncProvider Represents a registered synchronization provider. This interface is implemented by the writer of a synchronization provider.
ISyncProviderConfigUI Represents configuration UI information used to build and register a synchronization provider.
ISyncProviderInfo Represents the information and properties needed to create an instance of a synchronization provider.
ISyncProviderConfigUIInfo Represents the information and properties needed to create an instance of a synchronization provider configuration UI.
ISyncProviderRegistration Represents synchronization provider registration. This is the core registration interface that contains methods for creating, modifying and enumerating registered synchronization providers, and configuration UIs.
ISyncRegistrationChange Represents a change to the registration of a synchronization provider or a synchronization provider configuration UI. The changes are reported as registration events.


Windows Sync Registration Reference