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Win32_OfflineFilesMachineConfiguration class

Represents the Offline Files configuration for a computer.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


class Win32_OfflineFilesMachineConfiguration
  boolean                          IsEffective;
  boolean                          OfflineFilesCacheEncrypted;
  boolean                          Enabled;
  boolean                          SyncOnCostedNetworkEnabled;
  boolean                          SlowLinkEnabled;
  string                           SlowLinkParams[];
  boolean                          BackgroundSyncEnabled;
  Win32_OfflineFilesBackgroundSync BackgroundSyncParams;
  boolean                          EconomicalAdminPinningEnabled;
  string                           ExcludedFileTypes[];
  boolean                          DiskSpaceLimitEnabled;
  Win32_OfflineFilesDiskSpaceLimit DiskSpaceLimitParams;
  boolean                          WorkOfflineButtonRemoved;
  boolean                          MakeAvailableOfflineButtonRemoved;
  uint32                           TransparentCachingLatencyThreshold;


The Win32_OfflineFilesMachineConfiguration class has these types of members:


The Win32_OfflineFilesMachineConfiguration class has these properties.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, background synchronization is enabled as specified in the BackgroundSyncParams property.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesBackgroundSync

Access type: Read/write

If the BackgroundSyncEnabled property is true, this property is a Win32_OfflineFilesBackgroundSync object whose properties are the background synchronization parameters.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, the disk space used by offline files is limited. The DiskSpaceLimitParams property determines how the disk space is managed.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesDiskSpaceLimit

Access type: Read/write

If the DiskSpaceLimitEnabled property is true, this property is a Win32_OfflineFilesDiskSpaceLimit object whose properties determine how the disk space is managed.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, only administratively assigned offline files are synchronized when the user logs on. Files and folders that are already available offline (cached) are skipped and are synchronized later.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, the Offline Files feature is enabled.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read/write

An array strings that specify the types of files that are excluded from being cached. Each string contains a file extension, for example ".reg". Wildcards are allowed. The array size is not fixed; the caller can specify as many file extensions as needed.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

If true, these configuration settings are in effect.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, the Make Available Offline button is removed.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, the Offline Files cache will be encrypted.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, slow-link mode is enabled as specified in the SlowLinkParams property.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read/write

If the SlowLinkEnabled property is true, this property is an array of strings that contain the slow-link mode parameters.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, allow syncing to occur on a costed network where the user is charged by usage.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: Max (100000000)

The transparent caching latency, in milliseconds. Transparent caching allows the optimization of network files reads by caching them. Subsequent reads of the same files are satisfied from the cache after verifying the integrity of the cached copy.

This property specifies the latency value that triggers transparent caching.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

If true, the Work Offline button is removed.


This class requires a context object to be passed as the pCtx parameter to the IWbemServices::GetObject method. This context object has the following properties, which should be set to the following values:

Property Name Type Specify This Value
PolicyPlatformContext_PrincipalContext_Type VT_BSTR "PolicyPlatform_MachineContext"
PolicyPlatformContext_PrincipalContext_Id VT_BSTR "SYSTEM"


Minimum supported client
Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]