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Software Inventory Logging WMI Stream Provider Classes

The stream provider is the Software Inventory Logging Engine. It evaluates queries and method invocations that request Software Inventory Logging data and returns or publishes the results. The classes are defined in MiStreamProv.mof. The Software Inventory Logging WMI stream provider provides the following classes.

In this section


The Msft_MiStream WMI class is an abstract base class that represents a data stream of command or query data sent from a Software Inventory Logging data provider to the Software Inventory Logging stream provider.


The Msft_MiCompare WMI class compares the current output of a stream identified by the given ID with the previous output of the input stream and, if identical, suppress the current output.


The Msft_MiCompareSuppression WMI class represents the output instance produced when the input of the output stream is suppressed.


The Msft_MiCommand WMI class encapsulates a command request from a Software Inventory Logging data provider, and exposes the method data in the request.


The Msft_MiMerge WMI class represents a merged data stream. A merged data stream contains a Msft_MiQuery object and a Msft_MiCommand object.


The Msft_MiPipeline WMI class represents a pipeline that transports data streams throughout the Software Inventory Logging stream provider.


The Msft_MiQuery WMI class represents a data stream that encapsulates a query request from a Software Inventory Logging data provider, and exposes the query data in the stream.


The Msft_MiStreamTasks WMI class evaluates queries of Software Inventory Logging data, and publishes the results.

Software Inventory Logging Reference