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System.Gadget.Flyout.show property

[The Windows Gadget Platform/Sidebar is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. ]

Gets or sets whether a gadget Flyout is visible.

This property is read/write.


bshow = System.Gadget.Flyout.show
System.Gadget.Flyout.show = bshow

Property value

A Boolean that specifies or receives the gadget Flyout visibility state.


A gadget has one Flyout available at any time. The content of the Flyout can modified dynamically using the document object or by specifying a new HTML file with the file property.


The following example demonstrates how to hide a flyout using the show property.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hide the flyout.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function hideFlyout()
    System.Gadget.Flyout.show = false;


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows 7
End of server support
Windows Server 2008
Sidebar.Exe (version 1.00 or later)