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System.Gadget.docked property

[The Windows Gadget Platform/Sidebar is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. ]

Gets the dock state of the gadget in relation to the Windows Sidebar.

This property is read-only.


bdocked = System.Gadget.docked

Property value

A Boolean that receives the docked state of the gadget.


Gadget is docked in the Sidebar.


Gadget is undocked from the Sidebar.


This property is updated by the onDock and onUndock events.


The following example demonstrates how to modify the appearance of a gadget based on its dock state.

// Gadget width and height.
var gadgetWidth = 130;
var gadgetHeight = 108;

// Amount to scale gadget when docked or undocked.
var scaleDocked = 1;
var scaleUndocked = 2;

// Amount of time desired to perform transition (in seconds).
var timeTransition = 2;

// Declare the dock and undock event handlers.
System.Gadget.onDock = CheckDockState;
System.Gadget.onUndock = CheckDockState;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check the gadget dock state; set the gadget style.
// imgBackground is the value of the 'id' attribute for the 
// g:background element.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function CheckDockState()
    var oBackground = document.getElementById("imgBackground");
    var oBody = document.body.style;
    if (System.Gadget.docked)
        oBody.width = gadgetWidth*scaleDocked;
        oBody.height = gadgetHeight*scaleDocked;
        oBackground.src = "url(../images/bg_docked.png)";
        txtDocked.className = 'gadgetDocked';
        txtDocked.innerText = 'Docked';
        oBody.width = gadgetWidth*scaleUndocked;
        oBody.height = gadgetHeight*scaleUndocked;  
        oBackground.src = "url(../images/bg_undocked.png)";
        txtDocked.className = 'gadgetUndocked';
        txtDocked.innerText = 'Undocked';
    System.Gadget.endTransition(System.Gadget.TransitionType.morph, timeTransition);


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows 7
End of server support
Windows Server 2008
Sidebar.Exe (version 1.00 or later)

See also
