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Windows Mail Networking Reference

This documentation provides networking-related information about the set of interfaces for objects related to Windows Mail (formerly Outlook Express).

New applications should not use this set of interfaces and schemas. These interfaces and schemas exist for backward compatibility with legacy applications. These interfaces and schemas will be unavailable in the future.


Topic Contents
IDAVNamespaceArbiter Do not use. Manages namespaces.
IHTTPMailCallback Do not use. Callback interface for the HTTPMail transport.
IHTTPMailTransport Do not use. Transport for HTTPMail clients.
IHTTPMailTransport2 Do not use. Extends the IHTTPMailTransport interface.
IIMAPCallback Do not use. Callback interface for the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) transport.
IIMAPTransport Do not use. Transport for IMAP clients.
IIMAPTransport2 Do not use. Extends the IIMAPTransport interface.
IInternetTransport Do not use. The base transport interface.
INNTPCallback Do not use. Supplies the callback mechanism.
INNTPTransport Do not use. Wraps the details of Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) in a Component Object Model (COM) interface.
INNTPTransport2 Do not use. Extends INNTPTransport to control timeouts and refine asynchronous behavior.
IPOP3Callback Do not use. Callback interface for the Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) transport.
IPOP3Transport Do not use. Transport for POP3 clients.
IPropFindMultiResponse Do not use. No longer available.
IPropFindRequest Do not use. No longer available.
IPropFindResponse Do not use. No longer available.
IPropPatchRequest Do not use. Supports the HTTPMail PROPPATCH command.
IRangeList Do not use. Represents a range or set of ranges of messages.
IRASCallback Do not use. The callback interface for Remote Access Service (RAS).
IRASTransport Do not use. Transport interface for RAS.
ISMTPCallback Do not use. Callback interface for the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) transport.
ISMTPTransport Do not use. Transport for SMTP messages.
ISMTPTransport2 Do not use. Extends the ISMTPTransport interface.
ITransportCallback Do not use. The base transport callback interface.
ITransportCallbackService Do not use. Provides additional callback functionality.


Topic Contents
ARTICLEIDTYPE Do not use. Defined as part of INNTPTransport.
AUTHTYPE Do not use. Defined as part of INNTPTransport
CMDTYPE Do not use. Identifies the direction of interaction with a server.
DSNRET Do not use. Controls what is returned with a Delivery Status Notification (DSN).
HTTPMAILCOMMAND Do not use. Identifies the various HTTP commands.
HTTPMAILCONTACTTYPE Do not use. HTTPMail contact types.
HTTPMAILPROPTYPE Do not use. HTTPMail root property types.
HTTPMAILSPECIALFOLDER Do not use. The HTTP special folder types.
IMAP_RESPONSE_TYPE Do not use. Identifies the types of server responses. The IMAP_RESPONSE_DATA structure is populated based on a value from this enumeration.
INETADDRTYPE Do not use. Indicates the type of address and DSN request.
IXPISSTATE Do not use. Indicates the state of the transport.
IXPSTATUS Do not use. Indicates the transport status types.
IXPTYPE Do not use. Identifies Internet transport types.
NNTPSTATE Do not use. These are the various states the NNTP Transport can be in. These states are also used to determine which type of data is being returned in the client's OnResponse callback.
POP3CMDTYPE Do not use. Indicates the type of messages to which a command is applied.
POP3COMMAND Do not use. Enumerates the POP3 commands that have been issued to the server and the various states following an action.
POP3MARKTYPE Do not use. Indicates the command to use on a message during a POP3 transaction.
RANGETYPE Do not use. The range structure allows the caller to provide arguments for commands that allow a range of headers to be retrieved. The range structure can be used to specify a single number (ie XOVER 2010), or bounded range (ie XOVER 2000-2010) to request all of the headers within that range [inclusive].
RASCONNTYPE Do not use. RAS connection type.
SMTPCOMMAND Do not use. Enumerates the SMTP commands that have been issued to the server and the various states following an action.


Topic Contents
APPEND_PROGRESS Do not use. Returns the progress of the current APPEND command.
ARTICLEID Do not use. This structure is used to specify an article id to the various NNTP commands that require one (i.e. ARTICLE, BODY, STAT). These commands accept either a message-id or if the user is current in a the context of a newsgroup the article number within that group.
FETCH_BODY_PART Do not use. Contains a partial message body returned by the IMAP server in a FETCH response. The FETCH_CMD_RESULTS or FETCH_CMD_RESULTS_EX structure contains data about the entire FETCH response when it is complete.
FETCH_CMD_RESULTS Do not use. Contains data from a FETCH response. Because FETCH responses can be unsolicited, the client should check that a data item is valid before attempting to use it.
FETCH_CMD_RESULTS_EX Do not use. Extended version of FETCH_CMD_RESULTS_EX structure. Contains data from a FETCH response. Because FETCH responses can be unsolicited, the client should check that a data item is valid before attempting to use it.
HTTPCONTACTID Do not use. Contains the response information for the ContactInfo, ListContacts, and PatchContact methods.
HTTPCONTACTIDLIST Do not use. Contains a list of HTTPCONTACTID structures.
HTTPCONTACTINFO Do not use. Contains the response information for the ListContactInfos method.
HTTPCONTACTINFOLIST Do not use. Contains a list of HTTPCONTACTINFO structures.
HTTPMAILBCOPYMOVE Do not use. Contains the response information for the CommandBCOPY and CommandBMOVE methods.
HTTPMAILBCOPYMOVELIST Do not use. Contains a list of HTTPMAILBCOPYMOVE structures.
HTTPMAILGET Do not use. Contains the response information for the CommandGET method.
HTTPMAILGETPROP Do not use. Contains the response information for the GetProperty and GetPropertyDw methods.
HTTPMAILLOCATION Do not use. Contains the response information for the CommandCOPY, CommandMOVE, and CommandMKCOL methods.
HTTPMAILPOST Do not use. Contains the response information for the CommandPOST, CommandPUT, and SendMessage methods.
HTTPMAILPROPFIND Do not use. Contains the response information for the PROPFIND command.
HTTPMAILRESPONSE Do not use. Contains information about an HTTPMail response.
HTTPMEMBERERROR Do not use. Contains the error response information.
HTTPMEMBERERRORLIST Do not use. Contains a list of HTTPMEMBERERROR structures.
HTTPMEMBERINFO Do not use. Contains resource properties returned in a server response for the MemberInfo method.
HTTPMEMBERINFOLIST Do not use. Contains a list of HTTPMEMBERINFO structures.
HTTPTARGETLIST Do not use. Contains an array of target resource URLs.
IMAP_LISTLSUB_RESPONSE Do not use. Returns the results of a LIST or LSUB response.
IMAP_RESPONSE Do not use. Holds responses from the IMAP server.
IMAP_RESPONSE_DATA Do not use. Contains the results of an IMAP response that is dependent on an IMAP_RESPONSE_TYPE value.
IMAP_STATUS_RESPONSE Do not use. Returns the results of a STATUS response.
IMAPADDR Do not use. Contains various fields inside the parentheses of an IMAP address defined in the "Formal Syntax" section of RFC 2060.
INETADDR Do not use. Contains a single Internet address.
INETADDRLIST Do not use. Contains an Internet address list.
INETSERVER Do not use. Contains Internet server information.
IXPRASLOGON Do not use. Holds connection information for establishing a RAS session.
IXPRESULT Do not use. Holds information about a server response or a transport result error.
MBOX_MSGCOUNT Do not use. Contains information from an EXISTS, RECENT or UNSEEN IMAP server response.
NNTPARTICLE Do not use. This structure returns the data from a CommandARTICLE function. Depending on the size of the article being retrieved, the callback may recieve multiple calls for a single article.
NNTPAUTHINFO Do not use. This structure is used to specify the type of authentication to use in the CommandAUTHINFO command. For AUTHTYPE_USERPASS and AUTHTYPE_SIMPLE, pszUser and pszPass are the user name and password to send with the command.
NNTPGROUP Do not use. This is the response from the CommandGROUP function. The data is the current status of the group that was switched to.
NNTPHEADER Do not use. This structure contains the parsed information for a single header returned from the GetHeaders command. An array of these headers is contained in the NNTPHEADERRESP struct.
NNTPHEADERRESP Do not use. This structure will be returned in response to the GetHeaders command. Since the number of headers requested may be large, OnResponse may be called multiple times in response to this command. rgHeaders is not accumulated by the transport between calls to OnResponse therefore it is the responsibility of the caller to store this information as it is retrieved. When all the data is retrieved, then fDone will be set to TRUE. Since not all servers provide the XREF: header in their XOVER records, fSupportsXRef will be set to TRUE if the pszXref field in NNTPHEADER is valid. If this is FALSE, the client can retrieve this header with a call to CommandXHDR.
NNTPLIST Do not use. This structure is the data returned from the CommandLIST function. Since the NNTP LIST command can have multiple extensions, the data returned is relatively unparsed to provide greater flexibility to the client. The data is returned in array of NULL terminated strings that contain the lines returned from the server. When fDone is TRUE, then all of the data has been retrieved. rgszLines is not accumulated by the transport between calls to OnResponse(). It is the client's responsibility to store this information as it comes in.
NNTPLISTGROUP Do not use. This structure is sent in response to a CommandLISTGROUP call. rgArticles is an array of article numbers that are contained in the newsgroup. Since there can be quite a few articles, OnResponse may be called multiple times with the data as it arrives. rgArticles is not accumulated between calls to OnResponse so it is up to the client to store this information as it arrives.
NNTPMESSAGE Do not use. This structure provides the information needed to post a message to the news server using the POST command.
NNTPNEXT Do not use. This structure will be used for the response from CommandNEXT, CommandLAST, and CommandSTAT. The data returned is the article number and message id for the article that is selected by the command that was issued.
NNTPRESPONSE Do not use. This structure is the general holder for all of the data returned from the INNTPTransport commands. The state member tells the receiver which command this data is in response to. If fMustRelease is TRUE, then when the client is done with this data, it should call ReleaseResponse to free that memory. See the explanation of the various structures to see the details on each type of response.
NNTPXHDR Do not use. An array of these structures will be returned in the NNTPXHDRRESP structure.
NNTPXHDRRESP Do not use. This will be returned in response to a CommandXHDR call. Since the number of headers returned is potentially large, OnResponse may be called multiple times in response to this command. rgHeaders is not accumulated between calls to OnResponse, therefore it is up to the client to store this data as it arrives.
POP3LIST Do not use. Contains the response data from the LIST command.
POP3RESPONSE Do not use. Contains information about a POP3 response.
POP3RETR Do not use. Contains the response data from the RETR command.
POP3STAT Do not use. Contains the response data from the STAT command.
POP3TOP Do not use. Contains the response data from the TOP command.
POP3UIDL Do not use. Contains the response data from the UIDL command.
RANGE Do not use. The range structure allows the caller to provide arguments for commands that allow a range of headers to be retrieved. The range structure can be used to specify a single number (ie XOVER 2010), or bounded range (ie XOVER 2000-2010) to request all of the headers within that range [inclusive]. Use the idType field to specify which range you are requesting.
SMTPMESSAGE Do not use. Holds a SMTP message.
SMTPMESSAGE2 Do not use. Extends an SMTPMESSAGE structure to add DSN (RFC 1891) support.
SMTPRESPONSE Do not use. Contains information about a SMTP response.
SMTPSTREAM Do not use. Contains information about the SMTP stream.


Topic Contents
IMAP_MBOXFLAGS Do not use. DWORD that identifies mailbox name attributes returned in the LIST or LSUB response.
IMAP_MSGFLAGS Do not use. DWORD that identifies optional flags sent with some IMAP server commands or returned in server responses.
MEMBERINFOFLAGS Do not use. DWORD that classifies resource properties.