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[This property is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2012.]

This property is not supported.

**Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003: **

Provides the path to a debugger that is used to debug all resources of the type that are running in the Resource Monitor for the resource type. The following table summarizes the attributes of the DebugPrefix property.

Attribute Value
Data type Null-terminated Unicode string
Access Read/write
Maximum None (but see Maximum Property Size.)
Default NULL


A debugger can be used only if the resource type is running with a separate Resource Monitor. If the debugger is in a directory that is included in the path, the DebugPrefix property can be set to a relative path. Otherwise, a full path must be specified.

Setting the DebugPrefix property causes -p <process id> to be appended to the end of the debug command, where <process id> represents the process identifier for the Resource Monitor handling the resource type.

The CLUSPROP_SZ_DECLARE macro creates a CLUSPROP_SZ structure with an array of the correct size.


The property value portion of a property list entry for DebugPrefix can be set with the following example code:

WCHAR szDebugPrefixData[] = L"C:\\Bin\\Debug.exe";
                     sizeof( szDebugPrefixData ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) );
DebugPrefixValue.Syntax.dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_SZ;
DebugPrefixValue.cbLength = sizeof( szDebugPrefixData );
StringCbCopy( DebugPrefixValue.sz, 
              szDebugPrefixData );


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter
End of client support
None supported
End of server support
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter

See also