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Working with Cell Data

Unless one or more of the coordinates of a cell in a dataset is a calculated member, the cell is a point in the n-dimensional manifold represented by the cube. Therefore, updating cells in a dataset is equivalent to updating cube data. For updating cell data in a cube, OLE DB for OLAP provides a means for updating the cells of a dataset.

The consumer can update the range rowset by using the IRowsetChange interface, just as with any other OLE DB rowset.

The following rules apply:

  1. The CELL_ORDINAL column is always read-only.

  2. The other columns may or may not be read-only, based on provider-defined conditions. If the range rowset can be updated (that is, if it supports the IRowsetChange interface), usually at least one column, frequently the VALUE column, can be updated. Providers usually support the updating of other columns as well. Consumers must check dwFlags in the DBCOLUMNSINFO structure for the column to determine whether a column can be updated.

  3. If one or more coordinates of a cell contains a calculated member, the semantics of deleting and updating the corresponding row in the range rowset are provider-specific. Typically, this results in DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED or DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED.

  4. If a cell corresponds to an aggregation, the corresponding row in the range rowset may or may not be updatable, depending on the capabilities of the provider. See Update Dependencies for more information. Whether or not a row can be deleted is provider-specific.