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Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SPRECORESULTINFO is the result structure passed from the engine to SAPI.

    typedef struct SPRECORESULTINFO
    ULONG              cbSize;
SPRESULTTYPE       eResultType;
    BOOL               fHypothesis;
    BOOL               fProprietaryAutoPause;
    ULONGLONG          ullStreamPosStart;
    ULONGLONG          ullStreamPosEnd;
    SPGRAMMARHANDLE    hGrammar;
    ULONG              ulSizeEngineData;
    void              *pvEngineData;
ISpPhraseBuilder  *pPhrase;
SPPHRASEALT       *aPhraseAlts;
    ULONG              ulNumAlts;


  • cbSize
    Total size, in bytes, of this structure.
  • eResultType
    Type of result object (CFG, SLM, or Proprietary).
    For example, the result type can be SPRT_SLM | SPRT_FALSE_RECOGNITION if the speech recognition engine fails to recognize a dictation phrase.
  • fHypothesis
    If TRUE, this recognition is a hypothesis.
  • fProprietaryAutoPause
    This field is only used for SPRT_PROPRIETARY grammars. If TRUE, the recognition will pause.
  • ullStreamPosStart
    Starting position within the input stream. If downsampling an audio stream, ullStreamPosStart will be the byte position within the original stream.
  • ullStreamPosEnd
    Ending position within the input stream. If downsampling an audio stream, ullStreamPosEnd will be the byte position within the original stream.
  • hGrammar
    Required for SPRT_SLM and SPRT_PROPRIETARY, otherwise this value is NULL.
  • ulSizeEngineData
    Specifies the size of pvEngineData.
  • pvEngineData
    Pointer to the engine data.
  • pPhrase
    Pointer to phrase object.
  • aPhraseAlts
    An array containing the alternate phrases.
  • ulNumAlts
    The number of alternate phrases contained in aPhraseAlts.