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Data Source and Session Objects (OLE DB)

Two types of COM objects are necessary for consumers to connect to providers: data source objects and session objects.

To connect to an OLE DB provider, a consumer must first create and initialize an instance of the provider's data source object. This data source object can then be used to create a session object, which in turn acts as a factory for transactions, commands, and rowsets. The primary function of a session is to define a transaction. A transaction is a mechanism used to define persistent units of work within a provider and to define how the different units relate to one another in a system with parallel activities.

For more information about


Data providers, consumers, and service components

Conceptual Programming Models in OLE DB


Transactions (OLE DB)

OLE DB connection models

Rowset Programming and Object Model

Binder Programming and Object Model

Data source object

Data Source Objects (OLE DB)

Session object

Session Objects (OLE DB)


Rowsets (OLE DB)

This section contains the following topics:

See Also


Introduction to OLE DB