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Example: Enabling or Disabling a User Account in Active Directory

You can enable or disable a user account in Active Directory by setting the appropriate constants in the userAccountControlattribute of the user account.

You can set these constants in the IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForExport method of the management agent rules extension. When the management agent is executed, the server calls the MapAttributesForExport method as part of the synchronization process.

UserAccountControl Constants

You can use the following constants with the userAccountControl attribute.

    Const ADS_UF_SCRIPT = &H1                             ' The logon script will be executed
    Const ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = &H2                     ' Disable user account
    Const ADS_UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED = &H8                   ' Requires a root directory
    Const ADS_UF_LOCKOUT = &H10                           ' Account is locked out
    Const ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD = &H20                    ' No password is required
    Const ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = &H40                ' The user cannot change the password
    Const ADS_UF_ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED = &H80   ' Encrypted password allowed
    Const ADS_UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = &H100           ' Local user account
    Const ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200                   ' Typical user account
    const long ADS_UF_SCRIPT = 0x0001;                          // The logon script will be executed
    const long ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = 0x0002;                  // Disable user account
    const long ADS_UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED = 0x0008;                // Requires a root directory
    const long ADS_UF_LOCKOUT = 0x0010;                         // Account is locked out
    const long ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD = 0x0020;                  // No password is required
    const long ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = 0x0040;              // The user cannot change the password
    const long ADS_UF_ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED = 0x0080; // Encrypted password allowed
    const long ADS_UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = 0x0100;          // Local user account
    const long ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = 0x0200;                  // Typical user account

For more information about these user account control constants, go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/library and, in the left pane, search for the topic ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM.

Note  You cannot assign the permission settings of PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE by directly modifying the UserAccountControl attribute. For more information and a code example that shows how to prevent a user from changing the password, see User Cannot Change Password.

The following example shows how to enable or disable a user account based on a metaverse entry:

    Public Sub MapAttributesForExport( _
           ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
           ByVal mventry As MVEntry, _
           ByVal csentry As CSEntry) _
           Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForExport
    Select Case FlowRuleName.ToString()
       Case "userAccountControl"
          Dim currentValue As Long
          If csentry("useraccountcontrol").IsPresent Then
             currentValue = csentry("useraccountcontrol").IntegerValue
             currentValue = ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT
          End If
          Select Case mventry("employeeStatus").Value
             Case "active"
                csentry("useraccountcontrol").IntegerValue = (currentValue Or ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT) _
                                                             And (Not ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE)
             Case "inactive"
                csentry("useraccountcontrol").IntegerValue = currentValue _
                                                             Or ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE _
                                                             Or ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD
          End Select
       End Select
    End Sub
    void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForExport(
        string FlowRuleName, 
        MVEntry mventry, 
        CSEntry csentry)
        const long ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = 0x200;
        const long ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = 0x2;
        const string USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL_PROP = "userAccountControl";
            case "userAccountControl":
                long currentValue = ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT;
                    currentValue = csentry[USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL_PROP].IntegerValue;
                    case "active":
                        csentry[USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL_PROP].IntegerValue = (currentValue | ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT) 
                                                                          & ~ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE;
                    case "inactive":
                        csentry[USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL_PROP].IntegerValue = currentValue 
                                                                          | ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE 
                                                                          | ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD;

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Build date: 2/16/2009