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To create an image map

  1. Use an image mapping program to create regions on an image that you want to annotate. These will be the areas that users click to open pop-up windows.

  2. Insert your image in the HTML file using the following syntax:

    <img src="<i>file.gif</i>" usemap="#<i>map name</i>" BORDER=0 WIDTH=216 HEIGHT=216> 

    where file.gif is the name of your image file and map name is the name of the image map that you created in step 1, above. The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes will vary depending on the size of your image.


The following code shows an image map named test that has four regions:

<MAP NAME="test"> 
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="4,2,108,103"> 
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="117,6,212,104"> 
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="3,111,105,213"> 
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="114,113,211,210"> 

The following code inserts an image named test.gif and references the image map named test:

<img src="images/test.gif" USEMAP="#test" BORDER=0 WIDTH=216 HEIGHT=216> 

The resulting image has four "placeholder" regions that you will "hook-up" to pop-up windows in Step 5:

Step 2: Write Text for Pop-up Windows