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Running a Report Job

You can run reports on demand or on a schedule. The report job must be saved before you can run the reports in the job.

The following example shows how to run a report on demand. The RunReportJob function is defined in the Defining a Report Job example. For an example that shows how to run a report on a schedule, see Scheduling a Report Job.

// Run the reports in the job.
HRESULT RunReportJob(IFsrmReportJob* pJob)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BSTR bstrLastError = NULL;
    BSTR bstrStoredIn = NULL;

    // Run the report in the interactive (on-demand) context. The context determines the
    // location where the reports are written. To deterine where the reports
    // were written, access the LastGeneratedInDirectory property.
    hr = pJob->Run(FsrmReportGenerationContext_InteractiveReport);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pJob->Run failed, 0x%x.\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    // The Run method is asynchronous. To determine the status of the
    // report generation, poll the RunningStatus property. When the status changes
    // to NotRunning, access the LastError property to deterimine if the job
    // finished successfully. 
    // Alternatively, you can call the WaitForCompletion method to wait for the 
    // reports to complete. Then, access the LastError property to deterimine if the job
    // finished successfully.

    // Wait indefinetly (-1) for the reports to complete.
    hr = pJob->WaitForCompletion(-1, &Completed);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pJob->WaitForCompletion failed, 0x%x.\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    // If you do not wait for indefinetly, you should check Completed to determine
    // if the report finished within the specified time.
    if (VARIANT_FALSE == Completed)
        wprintf(L"The reports did not finish within the specified interval.\n");
        // Check if the reports completed successfully. The reports succeeded
        // if the LastError string is empty, otherwise, the string contains
        // the error message.
        hr = pJob->get_LastError(&bstrLastError);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf(L"pJob->get_LastError failed, 0x%x.\n", hr);
            goto cleanup;

        if (!SysStringLen(bstrLastError))
            wprintf(L"The reports completed successfully.\n");

            hr = pJob->get_LastGeneratedInDirectory(&bstrStoredIn);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                wprintf(L"pJob->get_LastGeneratedInDirectory failed, 0x%x.\n", hr);
                goto cleanup;

            wprintf(L"The reports are located at %s.\n", bstrStoredIn);
            wprintf(L"The reports failed.\n%s\n", bstrLastError);


    if (bstrLastError)

    return hr;