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Logging Plug-in Sample

The WMS SDK Sample VB.Net Database Logging plug-in illustrates how to write a Windows Media Services logging plug-in using Visual Basic .NET and demonstrates how you can log client activity to a SQL database.


   The sample plug-in will not work unless you create a database on your SQL server named "WmsLog" and then create a user name and password for it. Enter this information in the area marked "TODO" in the VBDBLoggingPlugin.vb source file.


   If you are using this sample from the Platform SDK, you must register it before you can compile with Visual Studio. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server or the equivalent on your computer, point to Visual Studio Registration, and click Register PSDK Directories with Visual Studio.

The following sections discuss the sample database logging plug-in in more detail.

See Also


Creating Logging Plug-ins

Custom Plug-in Interfaces (C++)
